Long Lunch

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

--- Your Point of View ---

You were happy not to be pregnant at this moment, because the sheer anxiety you were in at the moment might of made you violently ill. 

When you were working for Reapers of Chaos you never were under this much pressure, back then your life seemed easy.

I walked into the room, all of them were talking but you were zoning out and no paying attention.

You wondered if you should have left the new Avengers compound – gone into hiding when your cover was blown, but you left your organization and practically joined them by marrying Steve – well a different timelines Steve but still...Steve. And having a baby with Bucky Barnes.

Really was this your life?

You had no idea how you were keeping it together.

Your attention was drawn when Amberle started to fuss, and Bucky looked confused.

"It's okay, she get's fussy when she is away from me for to long."

He came over to me, and I looked at her, something clicked in my mind as to what was wrong and why she was fussing.

"Switch her, so she can feel your flesh and blood arm." I softly urged.

He looked at you confused, then down at her, slowly he switched her, and after a moment she settled down.

"How did you know that would work?"

"Because she wants to feel her father, she knows who you and she wants to be close to you ." You explained gently, a moment passed between us – knowing we created this little life, my eyes shifted to the side and caught a look from Steve.

The pain behind his eyes was evident.

"Who is ready to eat?"

My attention turned to the food that was being placed out, was he cooking? It took you a moment to realize that people in the village must have brought food.

I watched Bucky look between the food and our daughter.

"She needs to go down for a nap, you can sit and eat." Steve muttered walking over to take Amberle – you tried to intervene but were too late, Bucky stepped back and gave Steve a look of death.

'What in the hell is Steve on?' You wondered; you had a gut feeling that Bucky would kiss Steve before he handed her over.

I moved between them, gently putting my hand on Bucky's cheeks and making him look down at me.

"She needs to nap, let me take her."

He took a deep calming breath and handed her over, taking her gently you walked to the back bedroom and gently laid her down in the crib, rubbing her little belly watching her breathing slow.

You heard something, talking really, in the other room and you walked in slowly, they were all sitting at the table, you swallowed and walked over to the empty seat, between Bucky and Steve.

"Thank you for this food, Thor. I appreciate all that you have done for me and Amberle" You smiled at him, he looked uneasy – same as you were.

"Thank you for inviting us." Steve prompted.

"You are all very welcome, dig in."

No one moved, then you moved first and took a sandwich, and all of them moved at the same time, there was idle talking between all of them, but you quietly took a bit of your sandwich, you didn't know just how starving you were – you knew you hadn't been eating enough.

You swallowed and the food got stuck in your throat when you felt Bucky on your right put his hand on your thigh – then less than ten seconds later Steve put his hand on your left.

Fuck this was going to be a long lunch. 

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now