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Authors Note: If you were reading my Steve Rodgers story Contrapasso, I've had to rewrite, condense, and repost it, you can find again with my other stories.

Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

---Your Point of View ---

You looked up at Steve, handsome and loving Steve, who was looking at you with a calm expression, he seemed to be studying you quite intently."

"Do you regret getting married to me?"

The question was so direct that it made you pause for a moment.

"Honestly no, you have been the best thing for the both of us."

His blue eyes looked up at me widely.

"Have you ever thought about taking my name, on the record."

Again this question threw you for a curve. The truth of the matter was you were scared to do anything that – permanent, it might make Bucky freak out and go total Winter Soldier.

"Do you want some time alone with Bucky?"

You shook your head.

"I actually need to get some sleep."

"Yeah you look tired."

I gave him a look. "Thanks."

He gave a sheepish grin. "I mean nothing by that, you are still beautiful." Reaching out he took Amberle and put her back in the crib, then pivoted and picked me up, carrying me to the bed.

"Get some rest, I'll go handle everyone out there."

"Thank you." You closed your eyes without even looking, sleeping coming over you quickly because you were exhausted deep down.

--- Steve's Point of View ---

She passed out instantly, that didn't shock me, she seemed to be fighting it but she had just given birth a few days ago – and stress alone would make anyone exhausted.

I looked down at my she felt like my daughter, I rubbed her belly, instantly I felt her settle and close her eyes as well.

I left the room, walking into the living room and seeing Thor and Bucky sitting there quietly.

"She has fallen asleep."

Bucky stood up and looked more than a little bit worried, I held up my hand but it seemed to not make any difference to his anxiety.

"What is wrong?"

"Nothing, she has just been through a has she slept." That question I directed at Thor.

"Not well."

"Do you mind keeping her with you for a while?"

"You sound like you are not staying here." Thor asked with curiosity in his voice.

"I'm not." I fixed Bucky with a serious look. "And you are not either, she needs space – without either one of us interfering, and she needs to bond more than either one of us with Amberle."

I watched Bucky's expression, and saw that he was going to argue, then his shoulders relaxed, he put his hand on the back of his neck like his muscles were tight and rubbed.

I allowed myself to be hurt seeing him for a moment, just like this timelines Steve's I deeply cared for Bucky – he was basically the same as my timelines Bucky – and the fact that we didn't share the same experiences hurt deeply.

"You're right."

I turned my attention to Thor.

"Thank you for the food, are you alright looking after her for a bit longer."

"She is welcome at my lodgings for as long as she wishes."

I smiled.

I didn't want to leave her, but I knew that I had to, it's like they always say, if you love something, let it go, if it comes back to you – it's yours, if not, it never was.

I could find things to do to keep my mind off things, keep my mind off of her. 

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now