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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, possible trigger warning for some parts, and swearing.

Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, possible trigger warning for some parts, and swearing.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Your Point of View --

"There is something odd that I just can't put my finger on about you?"

Loki's tone of voice made you look up, you were not in any danger, Loki and Thor had taken you to a village near New Asgard, and you were being fed and well taken care of.

This was like a vacation on a vacation, honestly you kind of just wanted to go home at this point.

And you were more curious to what they wanted than actually caring that they took you away from Bucky. Him and The Winter Solider were intense – and you felt like you finally were able to breath.

I mean, you did miss Bucky, but this whole fucking situation was so convoluted that you wanted some kind of rest and peace on the matter – and the only way that will happen is if you face these two men.

"What is that?"

He leaned forward, this wasn't the trickster god you had read about, either they were wrong about his personality, or he had changed entirely.

"How can you sleep with the man who killed your brother's?"

You raised your eyebrows for a moment at that question.

"I can separate The Winter Solider from Bucky..."

"Don't pretend to be so obtuse, I'm aware that you have activated the Solider in him and he as interacted with you."

You gave Thor and exacerbated look, he raised his hands.

"I didn't tell him." He protested.

"Why are you two so keen on keeping me away from him?"

"Because we don't want to see you hurt...I don't want to see you hurt." Thor's torn of voice made you look at him a bit closer, there was a sadness in his eyes you didn't notice at first.

"Bucky isn't going to hurt me...unless...what are you not telling me?" You demanded.

"We can't tell you anything more..."

You rolled your eyes at Loki, mentally you took a step back and looked at them as a whole, there expressions told you that they were worried about what would happen if you stayed with Bucky.

And they had gone completely and utterly out of their way to you away and to try their best to convince you to not be with Bucky.

No one would ever be this bold or persistent if there wasn't something serious behind their worries.

"Can I see my cell phone..." You asked gently, you felt your heart starting to break when you asked.

Thor took it out and handed it to you, with a deep breath you requested a face time with Bucky, immediately he answered it.

"Where are you doll? I was so worried."

"I'm with Thor, you need to stop looking for me."

"I'm not going to stop, did they take you against your will? Thor created a diversion..."

"I went willingly with him Bucky. I...wanted to be with him Bucky."

His expression showed that he didn't believe that, but also showed his hurt at your words. You were going to lie to him, and you had to do it now before you lost your nerve.

You had to be honest with yourself, you had let this whole thing go to far, you had pushed this thing farther than you should have, regardless of your feelings for him – you shouldn't be with him – you couldn't ignore or disagree with Thor and  Loki's point about how fucked up your relationship was.

"Doll...don't..." Bucky's voice broke as he caught on to what you were doing.

"You need to stay away from me, please..."


"I'm sorry... I don't want to be with you Bucky..."

"Don't please..." You cut him off by handing up and then turning off the phone, you stood up and Thor stood up and reached out to you, you put up your hand and turned, leaving the cottage crying softly.

If this was the right thing to do, why did it hurt so much? Before you had hung up, you saw tears starting to form in Bucky's eyes.

Sorry Anyway ♡-- Dark Romance Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now