"Excellent. Then it is settled for now." The smallest bit of relief was evident in Alicent's voice as the words left her mouth. She closed her eyes and sat in silence until another began to speak.

Cole came down to one knee and the room's attention focused on him. "It is an honor to serve under the King's dutiful brother, Your Grace. There is no doubt that you will fulfill the responsibility of Prince Regent and Protector of the Realm with excellence." Each word dripped with his own personal approval as it came from his mouth.

Aemond continued to stand tall and composed, responding to the Hand with another nod. One by one, the members of the council followed suit, each lowering themselves to a knee in a display of approval.

Both women's eyes met from across the table, but neither could decipher what the other meant by the interaction. It was Alicent who first looked away, bringing her attention to Aemond as her head and sad smile fell into a respectful bow. She was accustomed to navigating the ever changing complexities within these castle walls and it was clear that she felt there was no one better than her most dutiful son to assume the role.

Viserra, on the other hand, turned to Aemond slowly, finding that he was already looking at her in anticipation. As his eye locked onto her, the room seemed mixed with curiosity and confusion from their interaction. Reluctantly yet gracefully, she descended into a bow, her movements measured and her gaze unwavering. The action had much deeper meaning than what was on the surface, something Viserra would dwell on at a later time.

As she straightened herself back up, it was Aemond who looked from her first. She watched as he scanned the rest of the room, a subtle smirk beginning at the corners of his lips. There were many dynamics at play there, but Aemond knew that the strings were now in his hands to guide. He took his seat, not lacking any display of confidence, quickly followed by everyone else in the room.

The meeting's discussion delved into the matters that demanded attention first but Viserra had found herself mostly quiet. Most importantly, word had arrived from the Triarchy that they would send them ships to rival the Velaryon fleet. This revelation brought a shared feeling of relief, giving them a solid means to face their foes in the sea.

Despite the undeniable darkness that remained from the reality of Aegon's injuries, there was a powerful optimism that came as they worked out their next moves. The meeting lasted well into the afternoon, but eventually everyone, even Alicent, dispersed back to their usual activities. Viserra found herself surprised by the dowager queen's departure, assuming that this choice was likely to attend to the needs of her other son.

As the business of the room petered out, only the two Targaryen's remained at the table. The silence was strained, something neither could ignore. Finally, Viserra stood, meeting Aemond's gaze, unsure if she intended to leave or engage him in conversation.

"It is not usual that you keep so quiet in these meetings." Aemond observed, once again being the one to break the silence.

"I did not find I had much to say today," she replied, her voice relaying the emotional exhaustion that nagged at her conscience.

Aemond's eye widened at her remark and he too brought himself to stand. "At one point, I thought you might not bend the knee when the others did, but I see you were able to put your ego aside, even if just for a moment."

Viserra furrowed her eyebrows while finding words that would not throw them into an argument. "I might not be born a Westerosi woman, but I am no stranger to formalities and politicking. If I had not accepted your position, I would have looked like a fool and lost the trust and respect of every man seated at the table."

Stepping towards her, a familiar smirk played on Aemond's face. He placed a finger underneath her chin, lifting it gently. "Do you not agree that it should be I who rules in my brother's place?"

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