♡°☆Chapter Fifty Seven☆°♡

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*Hey! I just wanted to say that I won't restart the daily chapter thing because it's really hard to maintain this pace! I will publish more often but not daily. Also, I won't publish much on the week because I have school and I have to practice for my dance competition... I will more on the weekends tho

*Also... next week is my BIG BIG BIG exam week where every day I have a big exam on what I have learned since the start of the year. I'm very stressed for some of them and they are really important so I'm gonna more study than write, I'm sorry (?)

No one's POV

"OH MY GOD!!" Jisung shouts, followed by a loud pitch scream who echoes throughout the whole house.

Everyone in the house (Minho doesn't count in) ran to where Jisung was, worried for the younger.

"Are you okay, Jisung?!!" They all ask at the same time, barging in the room he was in.

"I can't believe it!! He finally did it??!!" Question the boy at the phone, making the others worried eyes to shade off when they realized that Jisung was on the phone with surely Felix. "Changbin hyung finally moved his small, smartless ass and finally asked you out! I thought he would never.."

Felix laughed through the phone.

"Yes, he did!! I'm so happy!!" (I love kpoP^^) (Sorry, I had to do it..)

"I'm so happy for you too, Lix!! I was ready to beat this short motherfucker up if he didn't do that soon!!"

"Nooo Sungie you wouldn't do that.." Says Felix with a obvious pout that is hearing by his voice.

"I already threatened him before I got here. So yes... I would have do it. He better take care of you!!"

"I'm sure he will! This boy is such a gentlemen!"

"He better be... but if he do one thing wrong, I swear he won't see the color of the sun early."

Felix giggled cutely.

"I don't think you have to do that because I know he won't."

"Oh I'm sure about that too. I'm just saying y'know..."

"I know! You always had that protective side! Let's not talk about me anymore now, how is it there? Are you happy? Do they treat you right? Are your nightmares fading away...?"

Jisung sight, playing with his fingers.

"I-I don't know..... It went well, yes they are treating me more than right but... so much happened in the past few weeks..."

"Do you want to talk about it Ji..?"

"Y-yeah..." He shakily sight.

"I'm all ears my friend..."

Jisung starts explaning all the things that happened in the past few weeks, telling all the details. When he saw Jun Han and his parents again, the apology of his mother, how Jun Han fell in love with a salesman, how he discovered why was Minho mean to everyone and of course..... the fact the he is ignoring him and how big this is affecting him. Jisung didn't spare any details to his friend, letting all he had in the heart go off his shoulders, also leading him to cry at the same time.

"W-what if he ha-hate me..? What i-if thinks I-I'Il do the s-same...? I don't w-want him to think t-that I'm l-like him...? W-what if-"

"Ji breathe..." Jisung do as he was told and breathe shakily. "Jaymin hyung is right Jisung... he just needs time. This is very shocking for him..."

"Be nice pwease..." (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now