♡°☆Chapter Thirty Four☆°♡

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No one's POV

It's been two weeks since Jisung has been saved, and things have been simple but hard at the same time. When he came back to school (three days after he's been saved and after big Jisung took position), things went really well. Everyone was greeting Jisung and comforting him. It was really cute, and Jisung felt really loved. Something that he would never think of in his old school. The boy didn't notice it, but Minho was very overprotective over his relationship with the new people. He doesn't want Jisung to be far from him again, and I think we can understand that. He was cold like always with everyone. Nothing changed in his personality apart that he is a completely different person when he talks to Jisung, something that makes laugh some of the students. It allowed them to see more in Minho's personality, and they are happy that the boy is in good hands. Karina was happy, too. She still doesn't trust fully, but she knows she can trust him.

Jisung was now very popular in the school but not like in the movies. He was a completely normal student who just had a lot of friends. Okay, maybe he is friends with almost all of the school, but it's just a detail. And of course, he was loving the feeling. His friends were too.

But something that no one sees is that Jisung isn't really feeling very well. The boy has been having horrible nightmares of Mia touching sensually his body part again and he was terrified. He would cry. Scream. Hurt himself in his sleep without even knowing. Minho was trying to comfort him every night, but by the day passed, it was more and more harder. Every time someone was touching him in a certain place, he would start shaking and having a panic attack. The boy was also more careful with the girls. Not like he's scared of them but more suspicious. Some of the girls took it a little badly but the majority understood why.

The only girl Jisung was fully trusting was Yunji but she went on vacation to Gimpo, Minho's hometown. Jisung was visiting Grandma Kang a lot.... and Minbo was scared. They're so devilish together.... but not more than Lixie and Hannie.... they are so evil.

Now all the friends were at Minho's and Jisung's and the babies were playing play date while the caregiver were watching them from behind.

"Guys.... I think I will confess to Jisung soon." I say. Hyunjin jumped excitedly.


"What do you mean finally?"

"Min you don't know how we waited for you to say this. It was starting to be annoying." Changbin said.

"Urg stop talking! You have a crush on Felix since the start and is he your boyfriend now? No. Same goes for Hyunjin. The only real man here is Chan because he moved his old ass and confessed like a real man. Now he has someone before us and I still can't believe it."

"Hey what does that mean?" He asks, insulting.

"I compliment you. It's the first and last time in your entire life. Take advantage of it." I rolled my eyes.

"Yep I will. But  guys really should confess. It's such a good sensation. Feeling that Innie is mine is the best feeling I've had in my entire life. And it's so nice! He's so cuddly and cute!!"

"Wait, but how do you guys know that I have a crush on Seungmin? I never tell anyone."

"It's just obvious Hyunjin. You are like all of us. Whipped."

"You guys are right..."

"Okay but can we please come back to the subject?"

They nodded.

"Be nice pwease..." (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now