♡°☆Chapter Four☆°♡

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⚠️violent scene⚠️

Jisung's POV

It's been a week since Minho started blackmailing me... And I'm still so afraid of him... I can't say it's going really good... Every time I was doing something Minho didn't like, he hit me... but luckily, It wasn't a big deal! The kind of hit that only hurts for the first few minutes but still leaves a mark on the body... It starts to be hard to contain my little side... it's been I week now and oh my god I'm about to explode. Normally, I slip when I'm stressed, but I can't when I'm at the dorm and I'm ALWAYS at the dorm.... I'm only allowed to go out when there's school and when he asks me to get him something from the convenience store.... I can't go to Chan's or Changbin's for letting Hannie go. Karina and Winter try their best for changing my dormate but no one wants to be with Minho. She was so sorry that she tells me if their is something wrong with him I have to tell her and she will get to him and "puched him" like she tells....but I can't. I can't say anything to her or to anyone.... He will hit me harder...

I'm now at school, and when I see Jeongin act like he's gonna slip just make everything harder....so I just zone out and I don't listen to them to make my things easier for me... Unfortunately, Felix saw that I'm very calm, not as usual.

"Hey Jisung, are you okay? It's been a week that you almost don't talk to us. Are you mad? Did we did something wrong?! Did we-"

"Shhh Felix....you guys did nothing.... it's just....me."

"Are you sure? You zone out all the time.....you never did that.." The younger said worriedly.

"I SAID IM OKAY!!" They all jump at my tone. Why did I shouted....? Am I this stressed for now, shouting at my best friends...?

"I-I-I-I'm so sorry....I d-didn't wanted to shout im- sorry." I ran away. I ran away from my friends. I'm so embarrassed right now.... I'm so embarrassed that I locked myself in the toilet... I can't do this anymore....I'm gonna crack...

Go Jisung. Let all your tears go.

And that's what I did... I let them go down... I can't stop myself... I screamed, cried, and hit the wall. I did all I could do for making me feel good again. I don't want all this stressed anymore! I don't want to feel stressed anymore!! I just want to feel good and be Hannie again! But I can't right now. All my cries were interrupted when someone knocked on my door.

"Jisung... Jisung open me please..." It was Chan hyung. I open the door's cabinet and I fall on my hyung. I love the fact that he doesn't ask me what's wrong. He just let me go. After 10 minutes, I stopped crying.

"Thank you hyung..."

"It's a pleasure Ji... I'm not gonna ask what makes you cried and screamed like this....but I can't say that I'm not curious. You should let all go time to time....do not retain everything. Do you see what that does?" I nod. If only I could let it go like he said. But I can't because I can't make any noise....Minho would be mad...

I let Chan go. I mumbled a 'thank you for everything' and I tried to quit the bathroom. But when a I was about to go, my friend call me.

"Jisung? What happened to your arm?" I look at the and I see the bruise Minho give me.... uh oh... what did I say?

"Hum.... I-I was skateboarding and I fell..."

"Oh...okay...it happened sometimes. I hope you will recover from these quickly."

"Thank you...." And I finally quit the bathroom.

Chan's POV

Okayyyy. That was weird. I know he's lying. I have skateboarding before and it's NOT the only kind of bruise you get when you fall. Perhaps, if he really fell, It would have had plaids at least slightly open. There, he only has bruises. I'm gonna talk to Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin... I think it's a great idea.

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