♡°☆Chapter Twenty Eight☆°♡

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Minho's POV

"Do you even have proof?" Ask Chan hyung.


Everyone was at my dorm because of what I discovered yesterday. And when I said everyone, it's Chan, Changbin, Hyunjin, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin, Yunji, and Noah. When I was doing my research yesterday, I remember something more important than I thought...

"Oh and Minho, don't go to your dorm tonight. Jisung doesn't want you there."

Mia said that to me, and it was the last words she said to me before the disappearance of Jisung. It's clearly suspicious! Why would she don't want me to be at MY dorm? And I dumbly listen to her, and now Jisung is in her evil arm... If I heard that, she did just ONE thing to him. She's dead.

"And what is it, hyung?"

"I know it's a little bit weird but, when I knew that Jisung was a little, I placed camera in the dorm for making sure he is fine if I have to go and that no one can babysit him. I know what I little can do when he is not supervised." The other littles and the room chuckle, understanding what I meant.

Oh, hell, I know what it looks like. One time, Eunchae almost burned the house while my father and I were not there. Since, we never let her alone anymore and will never again.

"Personally, I do not think it's weird but pretty smart. And Jisung can do unbelieveble things when he is in headspace... I said that by experience." Said Seungmin, making us laugh a little.

"So you have footage of Mia kidnapping him?" Ask Jeongin with big hope in his eyes.

"Umm... not really.. the last footage I got of Jisung is him running into his room and coming out of it with his coloring book in hand. No more image..." I respond saddly, making Jeongin's smile fade away, forming a really sad pout.

"But I have the confirmation that Jisung was with Mia the last time we saw him. One of the footage is showing Jisung opening the door for her, and she jumped on him, giving him a big hug. He was surely crying...."

Hyunjin and Changbin patted my back.

"It's not your fault, hyung. You're not responsible for all the things happening to Jisung right now. I'm sure he's crying for you to come save him as quickly as possible."

A tears formed in my eyes and rolled down my cheeks.

"We will find him hyung, don't worry."

"We just have to give these images to the police and they will arrest her!" Jeongin exclams.

"Sorry baby but...even if we know that's its Mia and even if the police know it, they aren't really have any proof that it's her. We don't see her making anything weird with his food or even her caring him out of the dorm. So the police can't arrest her. Even if we all know it's her..."

Jeongin whines at his boyfriend's words.

"He's right. But one of us can have a little talk with her." Proposed Noah.

"How? We don't know where she lives."

Noah smiled evily.

"Being the president of the school plus being the nephew of the principal can give you great advantages like....... Having access to the students' personal information."

"But..... isn't it illegal..?" Ask Felix, making Noah smiles more.

"Even better!"

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