♡°☆Chapter Fifty Six☆°♡

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Mention of r@pe

*Short chapter but long at the same time T-T
*Sorry for the horrible chapter... I'm really not proud of it...

No one's POV

It's been a few weeks since what happened to the mall. Minho is still ignoring Jisung. And that dont just affect him but the others too. The little is more than broken each time the older would ignore him. Not even a little look. At start, Jisungs nightmares were starting to shade off, but when their argument (if you can call that an argument) happened, they came back. Since Minho is ignoring Jisung, it's not him who helped Hannie to calm down. Eunjoo is doing it. Yes, Eunjoo slips off from her headspace each time Hannie is having one. Meaning EVERY night. It's hard. For both of them. Jisung thinks he's a burden, and Eunjoo has to comfort him and say that she is happy to take care of him, but that doesn't change the fact that he's feeling bad about it. She as her own headspace, but she's barely in it because of Jisung.

Being a little also reminds him of Minho, so sometimes, he slips back to his big self for a moment. And that's what is happening right now. He felt too bad because Eunjoo didn't sleep because of him. Hannie didn't want to let her go, and he was gripping on her like his life depended on it. Because of his hard grip, she couldn't fall asleep. Even if Eunjoo really didn't bother about it, the guilt was killing him.

The boy was now in his room, playing with his fingers, thinking about nothing. After he spent all his morning in his room, doing nothing, he finally decided to go out, socializing a little bit with the others. But when he was about to go downstairs, he noticed something that he had never seen. A family picture. He saw Minho, Jaymin, and Eunjoo. But he also noticed another woman in the picture. A very pretty woman. She has brown dark hair; she has those eyes who look exactly like Eunjoos. But her smile just reminds him of Minho. It was the exact same smile.

"The smiles are the same, huh?" He heard by his side. He looks and was surprised to see Jaymin really close to him. He didn't see him coming.

"Exact same..." He muttered, still hypnotized by the beautiful woman.

"She's Minho and Eunjoos' mother. Something happened 8 years ago that made her passed away..."

Jisung looks at his boyfriends father.

"Do you think you mind..... telling me what happened...?" He quietly asks, not sure. The latter nods a little bit with a sad smile as he keeps looking at his wife in the picture.

"Eunbi had a childhood best friend. They were really really close to each other, and they were inseparable. Hanging out every night, going to parties, and having fun like normal teenagers. Literally, everyone knew them as the 'Killer duo'. But then, one day, I transferred school. I got in Eunbi's class, and directly after I met her eyes, I knew I had fallen in love with her. And I think she felt the same way because after the class ended, she directly came to me and introduced herself, looking at me straight in the eyes, lovingly. She then made me join her friend group, where she was her best friend. I knew immediately when he looked at me that he didn't like me. He was looking at me like I was an impostor in their group. He also made me feel this way. But I didn't bother much because I was with Eunbi the whole time. And I was too much blind by my love for her that his gaze and his threatening words never affect me. He was jealous. Jealous because she was spending all of her time with me, forgetting him completely. I was feeling a little bit guilty because I was the reason that they wouldn't be talking to each other anymore. And after a year, I confessed my feelings to her. She accepted my confession, and after that, we were the most popular and most loved couple of the school. Eunbi was so concentrated on being with me that she totally forgot her childhood best friend, and he didn't like it. We spend years together without having any big big big argument. It was perfect. After we graduated, we married, and we moved together. We had two kids, a boy named Minho and a girl named Eunjoo. We were the happiest couple on earth. But he, her childhood best friend, never forgot what we 'did' to him. One day, he decided to take his revenge. He barged into our house when me and Eunjoo were out shopping, and he.... started doing things to her.... similar to what this girl did to you... the only difference is that he really r@ped her.... he was so harsh and violent with her that she passed out. But he continued anyway, with a knife this time. He killed her just after what he did. And all that... in front of Minho. He forced him to watch what he was doing to his mother by tying him up on a chair. Even if he could close his eyes, he threatened to do the same thing to Eunjoo... living him with no choice but to assist to what this guy did to Eunbi. Minho was traumatized.... he wasn't the same after that. He started to be more harsh and mean to everyone. Even to his friends. We tried to make him go to therapy, but he would just scream mean things at us and then run away in his room... The only person who didn't got to face this new Minho was Eunjoo. He was another person when he was with her."

Jaymin was now trying not to cry.... he wanted to finish the story. He wanted Jisung to finally understand why Minho was acting like this. And he also wanted him to know why he was ignoring him.

"This guy... he ran away after what he did.... at least... that's what we thought... but no... he stayed here, and he was making his family, living as if nothing happened. It was very frustrating for everyone. Minho always thought it was his fault if Eunbi is dead. Because he was the only one in the situation who could save her. He really can't stand the fact that he couldn't do anything at the moment and that nothing is his fault. Something that I know that won't come back is the old Minho. This traumatism affected him so much that it changed him completely forever."

Jisung, who was now crying with Jaymin, frowns at his words. It wasn't real because Minho did change.

"Wait.. b-but hyung changed... he isn't the same... he's more nice..." Jisung stopped himself when he noticed that the older was shaking his head.

"He never changed Jisung... only with you. At school, he still is the scary and cold Minho that everyone knew and feared. It's just that you never noticed it since he doesn't act like that with you. He really loves you, Jisung. More than anything in the world. He could do anything just for you. You're his everything.... he's nothing without you by his side."

Both were now crying in each other arms. Jaymin said what Jisung needed to hear in the past few days. He needed to know that Minho still loves him. It was scaring him to death to know if Minho still loves him or not.

"But... w-why...?" Jisung hardly sobbed on the latter's shoulder. "W-why is he ignoring m-me...?"

"Because he saw that same guy some weeks ago when he was with you at the mall... that's why he passed out.... Jisung... it's hard to tell you this...." Minho's dad pulled out of the hug and looked directly in the younger's eyes.

"He needs time to clearly realize that.... this guy.... Eunbi's childhood best friend.... the same guy who forced him to see his mother being r@ped and killed in front of him.... is he's boyfriend's dad...."

Jisung's eyes widen as realisation suddenly hits him.



Now we know why Minho is acting mean to everyone^^

Another time... I'm sorry for the shitty chapter... I tried my best.. -_- But I really don't like it....

I promise the next one is gonna be better.... would it....?

I have motivation, but I don't like how I write.... I just think that my chapters aren't making any sense and that there are too many things that people don't care about...

"Be nice pwease..." (Minsung)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum