♡°☆Chapter One☆°♡

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Hello dear readers! Thank you for reading this story! I hope you guys will like it and if not, it's okay I understand! This story can contained sensible subject so feel free to pass if you feel uncomfortable. Also, this is my first English story. Not my first story on Wattpad but my first in English so sorry if there are mistakes (I have an autocorrect and it loves to correct things that don't need to be correct..) I still need to improve with this type of writing too so the story may seem incomprehensible and I apologize for that. But know that once this story is finished I will correct and improve everything ^^

Thanks for your understanding!

Your author<3

It's me again! I'm very sorry for the mistakes! But like really... but I really want to wait until this book is finish... also the start of the story is really bad, I'm way better now and the debut and the end of the story really shows how I improve😭

Your author<3

Jisung's POV

We're in front of the school. We can say we're all scared... Scared of people judging who we are. So we made a pinky promise and we all agreed to never say to everyone that we are little... for some of us like Seungmin and Felix, it's easy to not suddenly slip....because they can control it. But for the others like Jeongin and me, its more difficult.... we can slip any minute... Jeongin being the most uncontrollable... I can control it, but it depends on my mood, and like I said... I'm scared.

"Hey...it's gonna be alright, okay?"

Felix was trying to comfort me, but it was useless. The thing that made me more terrified was the dorm. I'm terrified of the fact that there is a possibility of me not being with Jeongin, Felix or Seungmin... Many students were entering the academy, so we decided to do that too. We have all of our things in our bag, and it was pretty heavy, but we're used to it now. We finally arrived at a counter.

"Hello boys! Welcome to Jyp Academy!" The lovely girl behind the counter greeted us with a big smile on her face. "My name is Karina and I'm the president of the school!" She holds out her hand in front of us and each in turn, we hold hands. "If there is anything you need you can come to me!" We nodded and she continued.

Her smile was so big and lovely! It just remakes my day! But suddenly, she interrupt herself.

"Oh my god guys why are you all so cute?! I just want to pinch you guys cheeks and put the four of you in my pocket!" We smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say at the sudden compliment.

After some seconds of Karina saying we're too cute to exist in this world, another lady came beside her, calming her down.

"Karina calm down you are scaring them"

"Oh sorry, but Winter look how they are so cute!" She smiled at her friend and turn to us

"Hi, my name is Min-jeong but please call me Winter! I'm Karina's secretary and her girlfriend!"

Oh wow, so everyone here is open to gay people? Oh my god this is such a relief! Because the four of us are gay and our previous school was....pretty homophobic....

&quot;Be nice pwease...&quot; (Minsung)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant