♡°☆Chapter Nineteen☆°♡

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Minho's POV


I expected to see Jisung because the letter came from him, but why is Mia there?

"Good morning, Minho. Aww~ are you sad because you thought that the person you liked was the person who sent you the letter for confessing?" H-how does her Korean sound so perfect like that now...? Whereas yesterday it was terrible...? "Yeah, I know. My Korean is perfect. You don't have to say it."

"Okay...what do you want?" I ask with a cold voice. Oh my God, I never felt this feeling of emptiness in so long...

"You know what I want."

"No, I don't. Maybe if you just tell me, I will know." I respond, making her face going red. How I like it to be insolent. Especially in front of her.

"I want you to stay away from Jisung." (Omg, I know it's basic, sorry T_T)

A silence that lasts only a few seconds, but which seems like hours. I chuckle, ending the lonnnng silence.


"What did you say?" She approached me.

"I thought your Korean was perfect, wasn't it? You should understand the word 'no'."

"You shouldn't play with me."

"But what if I don't want to? Like I said yesterday, Jisung has a very important place in my heart. He's a person I have to take care of."

"I can do that too. But you don't have a choice.... because if you don't stay away from Jisungie... I will have to go harder."

I rolled my eyes, hiding the fact that my whole body stiffened.

"Oh, come on, you will never hurt Jisung! You love him too much for that."

"Yeah, you're right... I love him too much for hurting this beautiful male....but who said I'm going to do that?"

"Urg, you're starting to annoy me!"

"You see? That's why I don't want you around, my Jisungie! I know your passed, Lee Minho! I know who you really are and what did you do to Jisung before! You're too bad for him! He's too good for you! Your little shit head will just hurt him!"

Why are her words....affect me a little bit...? Yeah... Maybe because I still feel guilty about what happened.... I chuckle for hiding my pain face.

"You really don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh yeah? I know Jisung is a little space. You hurt him more than you think, and I can clearly see that."

I froze. What the hell?

"Now, you are doing what I'm telling you to do. Stay. Away. From. My. Jisung."

I stare deeper into her eyes.

"I. Refuse."

"Okay. It's your choice. But if you don't, I will make Jisung HATE your guts at some point that he doesn't want to hear your name anymore!"

"Come on, he knows me."

"And you don't know what I have in head. I'm telling you for the last time. Either you completely ignore Jisung and stay away from him, and whatever happens, he's the one who will be sad.. or you choose that I make Jisung hate you. Your choice. Think about it. What do you really want?" She stares into my eyes for about thirty seconds, and she quit the rooftop. Letting me alone in my thoughts.

In any case, I'm going to be far from Jisung.....but what am I going to do...? I had just accepted that I had feelings for him...now I have to stay away from him... why does things like this happen to me..? Life sucks...


ALL DAY.... I was trying to avoid Jisung, and it's a LOT harder than I thought. Yeah, I know it was going to be hard, but not that much.... I didn't notice how I was always with Jisung in a day.

But I think I'm not the only one who finds it difficult because Jisung was also trying to be with me, but, of course, I keep avoiding him.

Jisung's POV

Today, I was trying to talk to Minho hyung, but he keeps avoiding me.... did I do something I shouldn't...? But yesterday it was completely normal.... did I do something wrong when I was in headspace? I hope I didn't...

"Jisungie~ Are you okay?" Mia asks, clinging into my arm. But why did she always have to be there...?

"Hum... Mia? Did I do something wrong? With Minho hyung. He keeps avoiding me..."

"No! Don't worry, Sungie! You didn't do anything. He's just a dumb emotionless."

"What? Have you heard yourself? Minho hyung isn't a dumb emotionless! He has emotion he just has difficulties showing them!"

"Oh... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt your emotion.... but don't stay fixated on that. He does not deserve you."

Okay, I'm very starting to get annoyed with her stupid words!

"Mia! Im starting to have enough! It's been a week since you stayed clinging, and you don't let me alone! In plus, you are just saying bullshit about Minho hyung, and I can't accept that! He has been there for me since the start, and hearing someone talking bad about him just made me sick!! Leave me alone, please!!" I shouted, making everyone close of us silent.

I had never been upset or hungry in school, so....people just stared at me, shocked to hear me shout like that to someone.


"I don't want to hear anything!"

And I just quit her side to hide in the toilet. When I was there, I just let myself out. Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I was shaking like hell. My breathing accelerates, and soon, I can't breathe at all. I'm starting to have a panic attack. I tried to control myself breath but it was so hard, I was crying and moving like I was possessed. After a few minutes that seemed like HOURS, I felt a hand put on my shoulder, making me jump. I stared at the person who was behind me, but my vision was blurred, so I didn't see who it was.

"Hey...Jisung...it's okay! Breath! Breath out! Breath, breath out...."

The voice was familiar, but I couldn't say who it was.

"It's okay...I'm here... I'm here..."

The sound was very closed like it was in another room. Making harder to very hear it and distinct who it is. But soon after.... I just passed out.


Hey! Yeah, I'm sorry for the basic thing😭😭😭 I'm not very original, but who cares?

(Some people who have enough of having the same problem in the story every time.)

Have a good Morning/Night/Day/Evening.

"Be nice pwease..." (Minsung)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin