Chapter 7: Riddle of the Sphinx (Part 1)

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Jessica's pov

I woke up to the warm morning light pouring through my dormitory curtains. With a satisfied sigh, I sat up on the edge of the bed, taking a moment to properly awaken before beginning my day. After visiting the bathroom and dressing in my Gryffindor uniform, I headed downstairs.

The Common Room was filled with chatter of fellow Gryffindors going about their morning duties. Despite the lively energy, there was an underlying tension floating in the air. What can be causing such a disturbance so early in the day.

Amidst the crowded room, I witnessed a heated argument between Eric and Garreth taking place right in front of me. Standing face-to-face, their expressions twisted with rage as they exchanged angry remarks. Leander stood between them, raising his hands to defuse the situation with little success.

"What's your problem Weasley?" Eric yelled, his fury resonating in his words.

Amongst the Gryffindors watching, I noticed Cressida standing off to the side, a pleased smirk developing over her lips. Seeing the satisfaction on her face – actually, seeing her face in general – sparked a wrath within me, making me want to punch her right in the middle of her stupid old-fashioned glasses.

Without thinking twice, I pushed my way through the crowd until I reached Garreth. "Enough" I said firmly, placing a hand on his shoulder to get his attention. His eyes met mine, his irritation evident.

Annoyed by the presence of the nosy observers who had come to watch the confrontation, I turned to face them. "Don't you all have somewhere to be?" I asked pointedly, my voice cutting through the sudden silence of the room.

The Gryffindors began to disperse, their curious stares giving way to averted peers. Ignoring their murmured talks altogether, I dragged Garreth outside the Common Room.

"Are you out of your mind? What happened in there?" I let out with concern once we were alone.

He sighed heavily, his hand running through his hair, seemingly frustrated. "He was describing his night with Mia to Nellie" he explained, his eyes overflowing with fury.

I shook my head refusing to accept his explanation. "So you're jealous because Eric went on a date with Mia?"

Garreth moved uncomfortably under my scrutiny, his stare slipping away from mine. "Yeah" he mumbled. "It drove me crazy"

"Are you kidding me?" I questioned, my voice raising with each word. "You were the one who wanted to break up with Mia in the first place"

His eyes flashed with displeasure at my words. "I love her, Jess" he said, his tone sharp and defensive.

"Well you've had your chances but you decided to ruin them for that awful monstrosity, Cressida" I responded, my voice dripping with disdain.

Garreth's expression darkened, and without saying anything, he turned away, leaving me standing there stunned in silence,

Unable to comprehend his behaviour, I sat on an bench trying to put my thoughts in order. How could Garreth dump Mia for Cressida? It doesn't make sense. Was it some kind of love potion? That seems to be the only logical explanation. After all, nobody in their right mind would willingly choose that bitch over Mia. But if she did give him a love potion, why did she reject him?

Determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, I headed to the Great Hall. I needed a plan and I knew exactly who to ask.

George's pov

Waking up in a blur, my head aching from the remnants of last night as I blinked in the soft light of the flickering candles. I glanced around the unfamiliar room, trying to put together the events of the previous evening.

Beside me, a Ravenclaw girl slept soundly, her dishevelled hair spreading across the uncomfortably hard desk. I looked at her in the faint light in an attempt to recall her name. What was it again? Conny? Constance Dagworth? It's on the tip of my tongue but I can't quite remember.

The memories returned in bits and pieces, the party, the music. And then there was this room, hidden away from curious eyes, where the blonde girl and I shared a steamy night of intimacy on the cold floor.

Randomly, I noticed a clock and cursed under my breath once I saw the time. Fuck, I'm going to be late.

Hastily, I put on my clothes and tiptoed across the room, careful not to disturb the sleeping girl next to me. I made my way to the Slytherin Common Room and proceeded directly to the bathroom. Feeling more alert after a quick, yet refreshing shower, I changed into my quidditch uniform and went downstairs.

Skipping proper breakfast, I grabbed a pancake from the small buffet table, rapidly devouring it as I walked swiftly towards the Quidditch Pitch, fuelling myself with as much energy as possible in the limited time available.

During practice, Sebastian found a moment to come close to me, his gaze cunning. "So, where'd you sleep last night?"

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Nowhere special."

Sebastian arched an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced by my vague response, but inconveniently, he did not press further.

As Beaters our primary responsibilities consisted of precision aiming, strategic positioning, total awareness and teamwork to keep the Bludgers away from our teammates. The practice was intense but thrilling, and we worked seamlessly as a team to complete each task.

Imelda dismissed us and as we left the Quidditch Pitch, an owl delivered a letter to me. I unfolded it to reveal Poppy's distinctive handwriting.

Meet me at the Clocktower tonight, I've got something to tell you.


As I read the short letter, a smirk formed in the corner of my lips. Poppy was always dramatic when writing letters, but one thing was certain: I had no intention of attending that rendezvous. 

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