Chapter 2: Ominis' secret (part 9)

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Mia's pov

The next morning was rainy and cloudy, making waking up terribly difficult. I made my way to Potions class and sat at an empty desk.

"Good morning beautiful princess" I heard his voice, before feeling his lips placing a kiss on my neck.

"Good morning Garreth, isn't Jess with you?" I asked curiously. Normally, they would come to class together.

"No! Natty said she didn't sleep in her dorm last night" Garreth responded quietly.

"I actually wanted us to have a little chat about Jess and Natty; I need your help Garreth" I had a plan to help these two get along again.

"What will I get in return?" he asked playfully. I kissed him deeply and then whispered "Anything for you".

Garreth simply grinned and before he could say anything, Jessica entered the room and sat next to us. She looked pretty, even without getting any sleep.

"Where have you been Jess?" Garreth teased her.

"Now is not the time!" she murmured.

"Good morning class today we're going to be brewing a very complex potion today" Professor Sharp began talking, but I was more focused on what Jessica had to say.

"The book was stolen" Jessica whispered.

"Stolen? What do you mean it was stolen?" I gave her a confused look.

"I double-checked Madam Scribner's archive list of all the books in the restricted section; the book's title was "A witch named Larissa" and its coordinates were provided by the list, but it wasn't there" Jessica explained.

"Who would steal such book?" I questioned.

"I have no idea, and there's more" she added "Sebastian and I slept together"

"What? Tell me more!" I was astonished by Jessica's ability to switch from one topic to another so quickly, but at the same time I wanted to know how her first time with Sebastian was.

I was so excited to hear this that I almost forgot about Larissa. I always knew these two had feelings for each other. As Jessica was describing her new sexual intercourse, I became anxious. Garreth and I are dating for a month already, but we haven't really discussed anything about going all the way.

"Are you even listening?" Jessica raised both eyebrows as she pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yes of course I'm listening" I lied.

Grayson's pov

After Potions Class was finished, I headed to the Room of Requirement, since Jessica requested a meeting.

"It's no coincidence that someone has stolen that specific book" George expressed his concern.

"That's true, was there a date on the archive list?" I asked.

"It was dated as of last May" Jessica explained.

"So somebody has stolen the book since May, possibly over summer break when the school was less crowded" Mia concluded.

"Or there could be a traitor among us – possibly a Professor" George said suspiciously.

"That would make sense, since Professors have access to the restricted section, they can just go and take any book they want" Mia chimed in.

"But Professors would still need to report to Madam Scribner that they borrowed a book" I added.

"That would raise many suspicions, whoever got that book didn't borrow it, they stole it" George sounded certain. "Now that the book is out of the picture, we need to find another source of information about Larissa"

"Sophronia Franklin!" I enthusiastically exclaimed as soon as an idea occurred to me.

"Who is that?" Jessica inquired. I never thought I would hear her say that. Apparently, she knew everyone at school except the nerds.

"Some Ravenclaw that George and I met last year; she's obsessed with the library and I think she'll be able to provide us with some information about Larissa! I suppose she even fancied George a little bit" Jessica and I exchanged a quick glance.

"That's ridi..." George began his sentence, but was immediately interrupted by Jessica.

"Perfect! If she's going to say anything to anyone, it'd be you"

"Fine" George agreed and with that our meeting was over.

I headed to the Defence Against the Dark Arts tower and looked for Ominis. He was at his usual spot, seated on the floor near the window next to the main entrance. I had no idea why he liked this spot so much.

"Hey Ominis" I let out in an awkward tone as I sat next to him.

"Grayson, I've been looking for you" Ominis said with a serious look on his face.

"You have?" I probably sounded more surprised than I should have, but he caught me completely off guard.

"Yes, I've got something to tell you – I think we should to stay friends" Ominis spoke softly, but his words felt like sharp knives stabbing my heart.

"Friends? We're not friends Ominis" I tried to mask my woe, but I knew he could hear the sadness of my voice.

"I know, but it's best if we stay friends – for now" Ominis' was lying; lying to me, to himself, to everyone.

"You're scared Ominis! Don't let your fears ruin your life!" I advised him, and walked away. I was angry; angry at him for refusing to fight for us, but I had to accept and respect his desire. I won't be his friend; I'll just do my best to avoid him from now on.

I returned to my Common Room; I was not in the mood for any social interactions for the rest of the day.

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