Chapter 2: Ominis' secret (part 1)

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Jessica's pov

October was almost over and all the preparation for the annual Halloween party had officially begun. Each year, sixth and seventh-year students organised a masked ball in one of the castle's abandoned dungeons. There was a lot of secrecy around this party, it was only known to students who had received an invitation. Even Peeves, the castle's poltergeist, was bribed into silence.

Despite the exciting atmosphere of the forthcoming ball, I was more interested in discovering what Ominis was hiding. I genuinely cared about him and wanted to ensure he was not in trouble. All of my previous attempts to talk to him had failed, so Sebastian, George and I decided to keep a close eye on him for an entire month.

Apart from that, Sebastian had been sneaking into the restricted section of the library on a regular basis, in an attempt to find some information about the strange ancient artefact that he and George found in the abandoned cave back in September.

Apparently, Sebastian always chose George when it came to adventures since our major disagreement last year. Perhaps, it was time for me to draw my attention to someone else.

Male classmates often sent me flirtatious owls, asking me on dates, but for some reason I always turned them down. This ball was my chance to meet someone new, ideally someone who would help me move on from Sebastian.

As the night fell, I found myself in the barely-lit Undercroft, practicing some charms on a dummy. Next to me, Sebastian and Ominis were playing an intense match of chess, with the latter one using his wand to make his moves.

"I swear Ominis, you must be cheating somehow" Sebastian grumbled, looking at him suspiciously.

Ominis chuckled at the sound of Sebastian's complaining tone. "Don't get mad, Sebastian! Your strategy could use some improvement" he teased him.

I could not help but laugh at their sweet little rivalry, enjoying their competitive spirits. Taking a break from my practice, I joined them, leaning in to watch the game.

"Don't worry Sebastian, there are other things you're good at" I tried to comfort him, my tone filled with sarcasm.

Unintentionally, my hand brushed against his, sending a bolt of electricity through me. I quickly realised what I had done, and I abruptly pulled my hand away. Sebastian smiled warmly as our eyes met, the tension between us visible yet unspoken.

"Is everything okay?" Ominis broke the silence with a casual inquiry, his voice tinged with concern.

I hesitated for a moment, wondering what to say or how to react. "Everything's fine" I replied, forcing a smile. "I'm going to bed, good night"

I pressed a quick kiss to Ominis' cheek before hastily rising from my seat. "Good night" I murmured to Sebastian, my voice somewhat strained.

"Good night Jess" Ominis responded, seemingly confused as to why I was in such a rush.

Sebastian stared at me like a hurt puppy. "Good night" his words soft and gentle. I offered him a faint grin before rushing out of the Undercroft, the weight of wordless emotions pressing on my heart.

As I exited the Undercroft, the castle's dark hallways stretched out in front of me. I warily scanned the corridors cautiously, checking if any professor was patrolling nearby.

But before I could take another step, a strong hand seized my arm, pushing me backward until my back collided with the cold stone wall.

My heart pounded in my chest, as I turned to face whoever was there. To my surprise, I saw Sebastian's familiar face lit up by the fire of a nearby brazier.

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