Chapter 2: Ominis' secret (part 8)

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Grayson's pov

A few days have passed since George delivered me the enigmatic sheets he and Poppy found at the goblin's camp. Fortunately, Amit, the only student who could provide me with a solid translation of Gobbledegook, was willing to assist me; his expertise was invaluable. However, his passion for observing constellations left him with little time to help me.

On a random morning, Amit's enthusiasm flooded the crowded Ravenclaw Common Room. "Grayson! You'd be very interested to hear what I found" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm apparent.

My pulse raced with anticipation as I listened to Amit revealing the secrets concealed inside those pages. Once he was done, I thanked him for his essential aid and requested the other three Keepers to meet me at the Room of Requirement.

When I entered the room, I found them already awaiting me. Deek was kindly asked to leave to ensure our secrecy remained intact. We could not risk any unwanted attention from Professor Weasley.

I began describing Amit's translation, using some handwritten notes I had prepared myself to make sure I did not neglect any important details.

"Larissa Witch?" George's voice carried a note of confusion as he processed the information.

"Indeed" I confirmed, nodding towards the sheets. "The paper was written in some sort of code for the biggest part"

Mia grabbed the sheets and examined them as if she understood what they were saying.

"Anything useful?" Jessica questioned teasingly, glancing at Mia.

"Shut up!" Mia laughed at her joke. "So we need to find as much information as we can about this Larissa Witch"

Jessica's pov

It was a few minutes after midnight, when Sebastian and I found ourselves just outside the Library Annex. During our meeting in the Room of Requirement, it was unanimously agreed that the research part of our plan would be allocated to Sebastian and I. After all, we were the most skilled at sneaking in and out of the library without getting caught.

Our usual trick was simple and had a 100% success rate so far; Sebastian created some chaos, distracting the librarian whilst I pilfered the keys from her desk.

Quietly, we made our way through the dark corridors of the restricted section, our footsteps barely audible on the wooden floor. We scanned each book, looking for any mention of Larissa Witch.

Just when irritation threatened to overcome us, Peeves showed up with his typical mischief. But this time, we were prepared. We had already used the Disillusionment spell to avoid being ratted out by that nasty poltergeist.

"We have to split up, so he doesn't notice us" Sebastian recommended, his tone cautious.

I nodded understandingly, and moved in the opposite direction of him, checking for books beginning with the letter "L". My gaze fell upon a visible gap on the shelf. There should've been a book here.

Realising that someone stole it, I hurried off to find Sebastian, but he was nowhere to be seen. A few metres away, I saw his figure casually standing against a bookshelf.

"Sebastian, the book is missing! – Somebody stole it" I explained in a hushed tones as I reached him.

Before I could further express my concern, I caught a glimpse of the book he was holding, its title making my anxiety rise. "The benefits of the Dark Arts"

"It's not what you think" he whispered, his tone heavy with guilt.

The feeling of betrayal coursed through me, the disappointment hitting me in the hardest way possible. Sebastian had promised that he would stay away from the Dark Arts, especially given the dangers we had experienced the last time we were involved with them. Anne's condition was serious, but we had vowed to find a cure in a safer manner.

A Younger Generation of Keepersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें