Chapter 4: Connected by blood (part 5)

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Grayson's pov

The first day of classes had officially arrived, and I had to drag myself out of bed, feeling more exhausted than ever. With a sigh, I went to the bathroom, having a cold shower, in an attempt to wake up. The prospect of facing a full day of classes filled me with dread. Am I even a Ravenclaw?

After I got dressed, I headed to the Transfiguration class, where Professor Weasley was going to teach us a new spell named Avis. As I entered the classroom, I spotted Ominis and sat next to him, sinking into the chair.

"Good morning" I greeted him, trying to sound excited despite my tiredness.

"Morning Grayson" he let out, his tone deep and sleepy.

"Hey wake up!" I nudged him, shaking his shoulders.

"Mhm" he hummed clearly annoyed.

"How did the Undercroft meeting go?"

He raised his head and yawned, covering his lips with one hand. He looked handsome even when he was half asleep. He told me all about yesterday's meeting and about a potential plan suggested by Sebastian.

"How do you feel about Sebastian's plan?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure" Ominis reluctantly responded.

"Whatever you choose, I will support you" I discreetly caressed his hand under the desk, a smiled formed on his lips.

"Class dismissed" Professor Weasley said. "Garreth! A word?"

Her words grabbed my attention, and I could not help but eavesdrop on their conversation.

"I'm so proud of you Garreth, you've managed to stay out of trouble for the whole term! Congratulations!" she expressed, her face filled with joy.

Mia and I exchanged knowing glances, giggling silently. We knew first-hand that the only reason Garreth did not get detention was because he brewed all of his experiment-potions in the Room of Requirement. Apparently Deek had not informed Professor Weasley about that.

Just moments later, I found myself in the Astronomy classroom, sitting next to Amit, who looked anxious. Why is everyone upset today?

"Amit, are you alright?" I asked him.

"Oh no! Not at all, my friend! I have something to tell you" he nervously replied.

"What happened?" I questioned, giving him a concerned look.

"I kind of want to talk to a girl, but I don't know how" he explained, his brows furrowed with uncertainty.

"You just open your mouth and, you know, talk to her" I joked, leaning back in my seat.

"Ha-ha very funny!" Amit let out, evidently unamused by my sense of humour. "I'm serious, Grayson"

"Actually, that's all you need to do! Show her you're confident and appropriately compliment her" I clapped him on the back reassuringly.

"Thanks, man!" Amit nodded slowly, a hesitant smile forming on his lips.

"You go Amit, you're a beast!" I hyped him up. "But wait! Who are we talking about?" I leaned in eagerly.

Lowering his voice, he glanced around, spotting Grace Pinch-Smedley listening to our conversation. He moved closer, whispering the name of the lucky lady.

After hearing the name, I raised my eyebrows and widened my eyes. "No way!" I gasped loudly on purpose to get Grace's reaction.

She appeared to be pretty interested in our conversation; she most likely wanted to convey some new juicy gossip to Imelda Reyes. I could not help myself but chuckle, too bad she was unable to find out, who Amit's love interest was – at least for now!

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