Chapter 2: Ominis' secret (part 3)

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George's pov

A beautiful Friday afternoon meant no classes and an entire weekend ahead of me. Poppy wanted to seize this free evening and asked me to accompany her to visit her grandmother. I knew how much she meant to her, thus I accepted the invitation.

The sun was setting, giving a warm golden colour as Poppy and I soared through the sky on Highwing's back, the sensation of the chilly breeze making me feel alive.

After about an hour of flying, we spotted her grandmother's hut nestled amidst an exquisite grove of trees. Her grandmother emerged from the garden, waving at us with a bright smile.

"Gran!" Poppy exclaimed, embracing her grandmother tightly.

"My sweet Poppy! I'm so happy to see you" she said kindly before turning her attention to me. "And who is this handsome young man you've brought with you?"

"Gran, this is my friend, George" Poppy introduced me.

"Of course, George! It's a pleasure to meet you. Poppy's told me so much about you" she stated politely, shaking my hand.

"Likewise, it is wonderful to meet you" I replied with a smile.

Then she gave Poppy a concerned look. "I hope you have managed to stay out of trouble. I wouldn't want you to get hurt"

"Don't worry about me, Gran"

"I won't let anything happen to Poppy" I reassured her confidently. Both Poppy's and her gran's eyes lit up at my response. Since the events of last year, I've been protective of my friends, particularly Poppy.

"I'm sure you would like to drink some tea, after this long trip" Gran suggested, walking slowly towards her kitchen.

"Do you need a hand, Gran?" Poppy offered.

"Yes, Poppy please".

As Poppy and her grandmother went to fetch some tea, I took a moment to appreciate the cosy interior of the hut, taking in the warmth of the welcoming surroundings.

We drank the tea and the conversation flowed easily. Her grandmother was genuinely kind; I could only imagine how devastated she must have been when she found out about Poppy's parents' lifestyle as poachers.

"Before we go , Gran, do you mind if I show George your creatures? He has a whole vivarium at Hogwarts full of creatures he takes care of" Poppy's expressed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"Of course! It was fantastic meeting you, George!" gran graciously agreed.

"Likewise! Now I know why Poppy is the sweetest girl in Hogwarts" I praised her sincerely.

Flattered at my compliment her grandmother laughed. "Oh stop it, you!"

As we made our way outside, the air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers. There were Mooncalves, Nifflers, and a few Puffskeins in her gran's backyard.

Poppy was acting all excited, like a child at the playground; she was talking to them, petting them, feeding them, telling me their names and how her gran eventually "adopted" them. I grinned at the sight, relishing seeing her so joyful. She deserves the world.

Mia's pov

The sun was shining through the cobblestone streets of Hogsmeade as Jessica, Poppy, and I visited Gladrags Wizardwear to buy some new outfits for the upcoming Halloween Ball. Entering the shop, we were met with a huge variety of beautiful gowns on display.

"I can't decide between this one and the crimson one." Poppy mused, holding up two dresses for inspection. "What do you think?"

Jessica glanced at the options and nodded disapprovingly. "Oh honey, no" she murmured, continuing to the clothing racks until her eyes fell upon a breathtaking blue gown, its ethereal fabric flowing elegantly. "How about this one? It matches your eyes." she added, handing me the dress.

I held it up to myself, admiring it in the mirror. "You think so?" I asked, feeling my confidence rising.

"Absolutely!" Jessica replied with a grin. "Trust me, you'll turn heads in that dress."

"Jess, have you decided which one you are going to take?" Poppy asked, whilst searching for another dress.

"Yes, I've already bought mine a few days ago; I came here with Natty" Jessica explained.

"Who is Natty bringing to the ball?" I questioned curiously.

"Leander!" she responded, her attention not shifting from the plethora of dresses in front of us. "Poppy! I think I've found the perfect dress for you"

Poppy tried it on and it was truly stunning – a lovely black gown with silver accents that suited her body wonderfully. I really liked shopping with Jessica. Not only was she one of my closest friends, but also, as the school's it-girl, her fashion taste was impeccable.

We purchased the dresses and went to the Three Broomsticks for a Butterbeer, the inn was buzzing with activity. After having some small talk, Jessica decided to heat things up.

"So Poppy" she began, her tone teasing. "Is there anything going on with you and George?"

Poppy's cheeks flushed red as she struggled for words, her gaze dropping to the table. "We –!" she stammered, embarrassed. "Actually, there's something I have to admit." she confessed, her fingers tracing patterns on the wooden surface.

Eager to hear what she had to say, we leaned in. "George met gran yesterday" she let out.

Unable to resist a playful lab. "So things are serious then" I joked, my eyes flashing with amusement, eliciting a laugh from Jessica.

Poppy maintained her red face, narrating in detail her visit at her gran's with George. "Gran really liked George, she kept on telling me how handsome and polite he is, and that he must care a lot for me" she expressed, her gaze fixed on her hands.

Jessica's curiosity seemingly piqued, pushing for more details. "That's what your gran thinks, but what do you think about George?" she inquired, her tone gentle, yet inquisitive. Jessica was always good at this "game", and knew what questions to ask.

Poppy hesitated for a moment. "I think I like him! – More than a friend I mean" she confessed shyly.

I smiled at her response; it was nice to see a new romance blossom. "Then what are you waiting for?" I raised both of my eyebrows excitedly.

"I don't know" she shrugged, her face full of uncertainty.

"Well, I do!" Jessica chimed in with words of encouragement. "Tonight's your chance to show him how much you care."

Poppy looked at us anxiously. "What if he just wants to be friends" she expressed.

"He asked you to the Ball; I am pretty sure he wants more than just your friendship" I stated, my voice warm and reassuring.

She nodded in agreement, her nerves seemed to ease as she sipped her Butterbeer. After our motivational talk was over, we headed back to the castle to get ready for the night.

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