Chapter 2: Ominis' secret (part 6)

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Grayson's pov

The next morning was an unpleasant one. I stayed in all day, trying to figure out what life would be like now that my secret relationship with Ominis was exposed.

I wanted to contact Ominis and talk to him. This was a rather tough time, he was undoubtedly dealing with his own uncertainties just like I was.

Sitting at my desk, I stared blankly at the piece of paper in front of me. With a heavy sigh, I started writing, pouring my thoughts and emotions onto the page. My eyes welled up with tears from the inner emotional turmoil that I was going through.

After sealing the letter, my stomach started grumbling loudly, thus I decided to leave the Common Room for the first time that day and head to the Great Hall. As I made my way through the crowded room, I could sense the tension in everyone's eyes. I tried to dismiss my suspicions, telling myself that it was all in my head. 

They couldn't have possibly found out what had happened?

"Grayson, I found an astronomy table just outside Hogsmeade, would you like to go?" I heard Amit's voice as he approached me. My dear Amit; my closest friend in the Ravenclaw house.

"Of course" I replied with a forced smile. I needed some time away from Hogwarts to ponder and this seemed like a perfect opportunity.

Once dinner was over, we went to the Astronomy table just outside the castle grounds. The sky was crystal clear and the stars shone bright amidst the surrounding darkness. Setting up the telescope, we took turns peering through its lens, closely observing the stars and the Sirius constellation. Amit could not stop speaking, his excitement got the better of him. I wish I could be as thrilled as he is.

"Amit, I'm going to stay out here for a while" I announced once we returned to the castle.

"Okay my friend – just don't get caught, I wouldn't want us to lose any House Points because of me" he said before walking away.

I went straight to the Undercroft. I entered the familiar dark room hesitantly, hoping to see Ominis, but instead found George sitting alone.

"Grayson! To what do I owe the pleasure?" he greeted me, his grin genuine.

"Oh, hey George" I retorted, glancing around the room. "I thought Ominis might be here"

"He's not" George informed me, his attention fixed on the spells he cast a training dummy. "He left the Undercroft about 20 minutes ago"

At the mention of Ominis sneaking out that late at night, I got a strange gut sensation. "You don't happen to know..." I inquired curiously. 

"No sorry" George shook his head. "Hey, are you down for a duel?"

It was a relief to know that nothing had changed between us now that my secret had been revealed.

"Perhaps some other time? I'm kind of tired" I kindly refused.

George nodded understandingly and turned around to continue practicing his spells.

Suddenly, a sense of bravery pushed me to act. I dug into my pocket and took out the note I had previously written, my hands trembling nervously.

"Would you mind giving this to Ominis?" I asked, holding out the letter to George. 

He looked at me reluctantly at first before smirking mischievously. "No problem" he responded, slipping letter into his Slytherin robe's pocket.

"Thanks" I let out and started making my way towards the exit.

"Hey Gray, are you okay?" George asked me, the question catching me off guard.

Knowing George well enough, I could tell this was his way of showcasing compassion, and for a brief moment, I felt the urge to confide in him. But, instead I chose to swallow my sadness.

Gathering all of my strength, I forced a weak smile. "Yes, I'm fine" I replied, my words sounding hollow even to my own ears. I bid George farewell and exited the Undercroft.

Jessica's pov

Approaching the boathouse, I noticed its lights glowing in the dark.

"Ominis!" I called out as I reached the entrance.

He turned towards me. "Jessica! You came" he exclaimed, a smile spreading across his lips.

"I was so happy to receive your owl! I am here for you Ominis" I reassured him as his hand found mine. Then, he began to narrate the events of the previous night.

He explained how he and Grayson grew closer over the summer break and how he eventually realised he had feelings for him. He was frightened of being judged, especially by his family. Hence, he hid his relationship from everyone but Sebastian.

Sebastian knew about this? That's why he seemed uninterested and calm, whenever I was worried that Ominis is in some sort of trouble. I owe him an apology.

"Ominis, I understand your family has many unreasonable beliefs, but the way I see it you are perfect! There's nothing wrong with who you are" I stated, wanting to ease his burden. I meant every word and I was relieved to see him smile.

"Last night was a huge shock to me. I'm not sure if Grayson and I could work together" he confessed, externalising his doubts.

"You're afraid Ominis! – And you can't think clearly! Take your time to decide what's best for you" I advised him, my tone calm.

"Jessica, you truly are one of my closest friends" he remarked, his grin indicating his appreciation. "Sebastian is lucky to have you"

His words caught me off guard, causing a weird sensation in my chest. "Ominis, Sebastian and I..." I began, but struggled to continue.

"I know – he told me all about it" Ominis interjected, his tone understanding. "But you don't sound so happy".

"Trust me, I've been having feelings for Sebastian for a long time, but he hurt me so much last summer, I can't quite forget it" I admitted, the weight of my emotions settling heavily upon me.

"I know Jess – but life goes forward! He's been through a lot, he's changed, he isn't the same" Ominis comforted me. "I can't really see it in his eyes, but I believe his feelings for you are valid" he joked. I pulled him into a hug as we both giggled.

We stayed in the boathouse for hours, lost in conversation and laughter. I missed having these lengthy conversations with Ominis; he had the ability to help me relax no matter how stressful a situation was.

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