Chapter 6: Winds of Change (part 2)

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Mia's pov

The sun was setting, creating a lovely soft orange hue in the sky. It was time for me to move on from Garreth and make room for someone else in my life. Was I ready for that? I put on the dress that Jess and I had chosen and applied some of Sacharissa's beauty products.

"Wow! You look fantastic!" Poppy exclaimed.

"Thank you" I flipped my hair jokingly.

"Eric's jaw is going to drop" Poppy clapped her hands with excitement.

"I'm not sure if I'm making the right move" I expressed my concerns for the millionth time.

"I know what you mean, I feel the same way about myself sometimes, like it's too soon for another guy, but don't let this opportunity go to waste!" she comforted me.

"My guess is you're talking about George?" I shifted the conversation. I was feeling rather uncomfortable talking about Garreth just minutes before going on a date with Eric.

"Ugh! I can't get him out of my mind" Poppy admitted.

"Why don't you try to make up with him?"

"He won't listen to me, Mia – plus – I've heard he's dating another girl" she replied somewhat annoyed.

"These are just rumors Poppy" I wasn't certain about that, but if George was really seeing someone, we would have heard some gossip about it already.

"Anyway – Isn't it time for you to go? You don't want to be late on your first date, do you?" Poppy regained her enthusiasm, slightly pushing me towards our Common Room's exit.

I left Hogwarts and slowly made my way to Hogsmeade, an overwhelming sensation of anxiousness developing within me with every step. When I reached the Central Plaza, Eric standing by the fountain, holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey!" I smiled.

"Hello beautiful! These are for you" he handed me the roses.

"Thank you! I hope I didn't keep you waiting" I gave him a coy look.

"Not at all, shall we head to the Three Broomsticks?" Eric asked and I simply nodded.

We greeted Sirona and sat to an isolated table on the first floor, which provided us with some privacy to talk. Eric fascinated me, he had the ability to maintain both casual and serious conversations, whilst spicing things up and acting more flirtatious from time to time.

This was an interesting combination, which helped me loosen up a little bit and enjoy his company, rather than being nervous.

"I know it's none of my business, but I wanted to ask you – in the Masquerade Ball, I saw you talking to Garreth, something going on?" he inquired hesitantly. His question made me realise how impolite I had been that night. I left Eric to listen to Garreth's ridiculous confession and then Amanda showed up. I completely forgot to give Eric an explanation.

"Eric, I'm so sorry!" I let out "Yes, I talked to Garreth for like 5 minutes, but then I had some matters to resolve with Jess, George and Grayson" I explained "Things got out of hand and I forgot to come back to the Ball"

"Is Hogwarts in danger again?" Eric furrowed his eyebrows.

"You needn't worry, things are under control" I reassured him, even though I was not being entirely honest; we were clueless about Larissa's next step.

Eric smoothly altered the subject of our conversation, restoring the flirty atmosphere. After hours of talking, we headed back to the castle. He was a real gentleman, bringing me back to my Common Room's entrance.

"Thank you, I really had a lot of fun tonight" I gave him a playful gaze.

Without saying a word, Eric leaned in and gently kissed me, leaving me speechless. I closed my eyes and returned the kiss, feeling my whole body reacting to it. It did not feel like kissing Garreth, but perhaps it was too soon to feel the same kind of connection with a another guy.

"Good night" I whispered with a smile.

"Good night, beautiful" Eric said as I entered my Common Room.

George's pov

It was almost midnight, when I exited the Common Room. Some Slytherins were still awake, but none dared to question where I was going or why I was leaving. After all, sneaking out at night had become a habit of mine lately.

Headed to the Prefects Bathroom, I checked the hallway left and right to ensure that nobody was following me before walking in.

The moon was the only source of light, shining through the windows and brightening up the darkness of the room.

"Hello there" Grace Pinch-Medley appeared in the water scarcely visible behind a massive pile of foam "How did you get in? I thought this place was for prefects only" she said seductively.

"A kind-hearted and hot-looking girl gave me access to it and I was considering rewarding her" I replied in a playful tone. I locked the door behind me and got rid of my clothes, jumping quietly into the swimming pool-like tub.

Grace approached me and wrapped her arms around my neck, sitting on my lap. I felt her bare nipples touching me; she was entirely naked! I drew her in closer, placing kisses on her neck, whilst rubbing my manhood against her hole.

She leaned in and kissed my lips as I was caressing her stripped derriere, every touch seemingly turning her on. I entered her body slowly and steadily, making her let out a soft moan.

Grace was moving up and down, sending waves of pleasure down my body, when all of a sudden I closed my eyes and spontaneously pictured her face disappearing and being replaced by Poppy's.

My mind was playing a trick on me since it was too dark to see who I was fucking with anyway, but I did not fight it; I just gave in to the sensation.

Poppy's tight body amplified the pleasure, making me go crazy, penetrating her faster and harder. The water was getting cold, but my blood was boiling hot.

Moments later, she gasped loudly, unable to control the strong vibrations of her body. Her orgasm made me increase the pace until my erection was hard enough to release all the tension stored inside my body.

After we both satisfied our needs with the sexual intercourse, we washed the foam off of our bodies and got out of the tub, drying ourselves up with some towels. Then, I got dressed and left, silently returning back to the Slytherin Common Room.

The next morning, I woke up late and almost skipped breakfast. I washed my face and grabbed some pancakes in the Common Room before I made my way to Potions class.

The classroom was almost empty, as most students were probably still in the Great Hall, enjoying their meal. I took a seat in front of a cauldron, waiting for the lesson to initiate.

Mia rushed into the room, almost causing an earthquake, and sat next to me, placing her book near our now-shared cauldron. She looked around as if she were hiding from someone.

"Uhm – hey Mia" I raised my eyebrow somewhat confused.

"Hey... George!" she exclaimed "Sorry for being in such a rush! I just didn't want to sit with Garreth".

At that moment, Garreth Weasley entered the room, glancing upon Mia and then making his way to Natty, sharing a cauldron with her.

"Phew!" Mia sighed.

"How come Garreth's not getting detention now that he isn't using the Room of Requirements anymore?" I tried to lighten up the mood with a joke.

"No clue!"

Mia was visibly not in the mood to talk about Garreth. Poppy's entrance drew my attention and after our eyes met, she walked towards Sacharissa.

"Still not talking?" Mia rhetorically questioned.

"Yeah" I let out in a hushed tone.

"Is it true that you're dati-"

"Good morning class!" Professor Sharp's voice interrupted Mia, before she could finish her question.

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