Chapter 2: Ominis' secret (part 4)

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Grayson's pov

The annual Halloween party had officially begun. The students had transformed a large chamber in the dungeons into an impressive spectacle, with magical decorations adorning each corner and floating jack-o'-lanterns shedding light on the space. The room filled with activity as more and more students entered every minute.

Amidst the crowd of students, I spotted Mia and Garreth approaching me, their smiles glowing from afar. "Hey Grayson!" they greeted me.

I grinned in response. "Hey you two!"

Garreth looked around till he spotted the table with the beverages. "I'm going to grab us some drinks." he informed Mia before turning to me. "Grayson, should I bring you something?"

I offered a polite decline, my gaze drifting between them. "I'm good thanks!" 

As Garreth navigated through the room, Mia moved closer, her eyes shining with curiosity. "So, how is your night, Grayson?" she inquired.

"Quite alright." I replied vaguely, and then attempted to change the subject. "How are things between you and Garreth?"

"Everything's great!" Mia answered, peering around. She leaned in, her tone conspiratorial. "Who did you bring?"

"I came on my own! I didn't really find anyone to pique my interest" I admitted, hoping to mask my discomfort with a calm demeanour.

"Actually..." Mia began with a sly glint in her eyes. "I know someone who would've gladly come to the Ball with you"

"Who?" I let out anxiously.. For a brief moment, my heart raced with worry, wondering if she had somehow discovered my secret.

"Lenora Everleigh!" she mentioned, raising her eyebrow playfully.

"Oh, uh, thanks for letting me know." I said, supressing my disappointment. I was hoping for a different name to come out of Mia's mouth; Lenora was nothing more than a friend.

Even though several students would have happily taken the chance to be my date tonight, the one person I truly wanted to bring with me remained out of reach. Isn't that ironic?

Suddenly, a hand landed on my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts. Turning around, I saw Sebastian, accompanied by Ominis and Imelda Reyes.

"Hello!" I greeted them, giving Sebastian a confused gaze. "I thought you were bringing Jess" I remarked.

"Jessica is coming with Hector Fawley!" Mia chimed in before he could respond.

Sebastian's face darkened, twisting with rage as he processed what he had just heard. And as though Mia intended to provoke his existing tension, she spoke again.

"There they are" she added, pointing at Jessica and Hector who had just made their entrance.

Jessica looked gorgeous, her dress chic, looking like it came from the most expensive fashion house, and her long wavy blonde hair cascading down her back in an elegant manner.

However, my silent admiration was interrupted by Sebastian's furious outburst. "What is she doing with him?" he demanded, his fists clenched.

Ominis, as the reasonable friend, attempted to calm the situation down with reassuring words. "Maybe they're just friends" he suggested, his tone soothing, hoping to prevent Sebastian's growing rage from rising any further.

"Hi guys" Jessica warmly greeted us.

"Jessica!" I exclaimed, embracing her in an effort to draw her focus away from Sebastian. Luckily, George and Poppy arrived shortly thereafter, capturing everyone's attention.

"Party people! How is everyone doing?" George's cheering tone lightened up the mood.

As the night progressed, the music got louder, filling the room with its pulsating rhythm. I lost myself in the moment, surrounded by fellow students, their infectious energy melting away any existing tension. Little did I know, the downfall of the night had already begun.

Jessica's pov

The night was alive with energy, the students from all houses dancing under the glow of floating pumpkins. The Halloween Ball was running smoothly, and for the first time in what seemed like an eternity, I let myself be swept up in the celebration. Last year was so eventful, that I forgot how fun it is to be a teenager.

Needing a little break from dancing, I sank into the nearest chair, and Hector joined me shortly after. "Would you like another drink?" he asked.

"No, thanks! I still haven't finished that one" I smiled, gesturing to my half-full glass.

As I watched Hector disappear into the crowd, a sense of unease washed over me. I had agreed to be his date for the night, but I found myself questioning both his intentions and mine.

I can't deny that his company is pleasant, but is his behaviour purely friendly, or does it imply something more? And do I even want to be romantically involved with him? Perhaps it'll be a great way to avoid thinking about Sallow.

Lost in my thoughts, I absently observed the room until my eyes fell upon Ominis moving towards the door, the red spark from his wand making him stand out.

What's he up to now? Is he leaving already? I had to act as quickly as possible, hence I dashed out to follow him, determined to find out what he was hiding.

Once I stepped out of the room, Ominis was nowhere to be found, as if he had vanished from thin air. How did he run so fast? He must be nearby!

I was so concentrated on my task that I barely heard someone's footsteps approaching me. Abruptly, I was pulled from my thoughts by the sensation of a firm grip around my hand. Startled, I turned to see Sebastian standing in front of me, his face twisted with wrath.

"Sebastian?" I exclaimed with surprise.

"What were you thinking? – Bringing Hector Fawley with you tonight?" his tone matching the irritation on his face as he confronted me, his grip tightening on my hand. 

I somewhat recoiled, taken aback by his unexpected appearance. "Why do you even care, you didn't even bother asking me to the ball, did you?" I was becoming upset. He, of all people, had no right to act jealous around me.

"Is bringing that fucker with you tonight your way of pushing me away?" he raised his voice, anger smouldering in his eyes.

At that point, I could feel my anger rising, my fury reaching a certain level where I could not contain it any longer. Sebastian had the annoying ability of making my blood boil and not necessarily in a good way.

"Excuse me?" Do you even hear yourself?" I snapped, yelling louder than ever before. "You're the one who shut me out when I needed you the most and now you're acting like nothing happened."

Sebastian's jaw clenched, his eyes flashing with regret. "I know! – I know and I'm sorry – I've made some pretty stupid decisions in the past and I wish...I wish I could turn back time, but I can't." he admitted, his voice softening.

"I hurt everyone around me, I hurt Anne, Ominis; I didn't want to hurt you too. I don't want to lose you!" Sebastian expressed as he moved closer, gently cupping my cheek with his palm. And after a short moment of complete silence between us, he added. "I want you!" his tone sincere, and full of vulnerability.

Speechless by his words, I was looking at him with my eyes wide open, not knowing whether I should say or do something. Before I could react, he pressed his lips against mine in a tender, passionate kiss.

In that instant, everything else faded away – the doubts, the pain, the reasons I was angry at him. It was just Sebastian and me, lost in the intensity of our shared affection. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck, my heart pounding in my chest.

Sebastian Sallow had finally confessed his feelings to me. I still could not process what was happening, but one thing was certain: I did not want this moment to end. 

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