Chapter 5: The Masquerade Ball (part 2)

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Jessica's pov

Two days had passed since Garreth and Mia broke up and I was trying my best to comfort her; without any notable success. She was crying on my shoulder, flooding the Room of Requirements with her tears.

Even Deek was looking for ways to lighten up her mood, but nothing seemed to be working.

It was understandable though, Garreth was her first boyfriend and she was in love with him. In my mind, they always had a healthy relationship, what made Garreth change his mind?

"I don't get it Jess! One day we're good and the next he says he doesn't love me anymore?" Mia let out while sobbing.

"I know Mia, I have no idea what's up with him – I haven't seen much him lately" I caressed her hair and then added "Should I tell Leander to go talk to him?"

"There's no need for that and you know why? Because I HATE HIM" Mia screamed at the top of her lungs making me slightly jump. I knew she did not mean any of that! Her words came out that way, because she was hurt and filled with anger.

"Does Miss King want to go feed the Mooncalves? Deek's mood always brightens when he feeds the Mooncalves" Deek suggested with a smile; cute Deek! Mia did not reply and started crying harder.

"Thank you for the offer Deek" I dismissed him in a kind manner.

I could sense Mia was not in a good state of mind right now and the best way to help her, besides being there for her, was to find the reason of their break up.

Therefore, I decided to look into it without mentioning anything to her. Was there a new love interest for Garreth? I could ask Imelda, but I doubt Mia would like her break up to go public yet.

Perhaps, this mission was a better fit for team Jeyson (Jess + Grayson).

Grayson's pov

I had just finished my practice with the school band, when Amit approached me outside the Music Room. He was planning on asking Sacharissa to the Masquerade Ball, but Amit being Amit; he was kind of nervous about it and requested my support.

One more time, I tried my best to hype him up as we made our way to the Clock Tower Courtyard, where Sacharissa was talking to Poppy Sweeting. Amit looked like he had second thoughts for a moment but a little nudge helped him get back to his senses.

"Good morning" Amit greeted the girls "Sacharissa do you have a moment?"

"Hey Amit, sure!" Sacharissa replied with a smile and followed Amit, leaving me alone with Poppy. There was some awkwardness between us, considering she was not in good terms with George lately.

"So, who are you bringing to the Ball?" Poppy broke the silence.

"I'm going solo, I'll be singing with the school band, so I'll be pretty occupied the entire night – I didn't bother asking anybody! What about you?" I returned the question.

"I'm not sure yet"

Did she genuinely not have a date? Or was she lying to me, because she did not feel like sharing this information with me. I gave her a suspicious side eye, before noticing Amit nodding at me, signalling that his mission was accomplished. I left Poppy and walked with Amit back to our Common Room.

"She said yes!" Amit smiled with excitement.

"Let's go! You're the man!" I exclaimed, while rubbing his shoulder proudly.

George's pov

Practicing spells in the Undercroft had been part of my weekly routine lately, especially since the Cross Wands Tournament was taking place in less than a month and being last year's champion meant I had a crown to defend.

"Confringo" I shouted, swinging my wand and burning a dummy.

"Wow! Watch it George, we don't need you to send any students to the Hospital Wing" Sebastian joked as he entered the room.

"Nice one man, but I'm not planning on going easy on them" I smirked while lifting the dummy up.

"Have you asked Poppy to the ball yet?" Sebastian changed the topic.

"No – she's probably going with that Ravenclaw guy Andrew" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"She not going with anyone, Ominis told me – she's waiting for you, man" he expressed with certainty, making me wonder if this was actually true or not.

"Let's go grab some dinner" I cut the conversation short, exiting the Undercroft. Sebastian and I reached the Great Hall and I could not help, but glance at the Hufflepuff table; I saw many familiar faces, but Poppy's was not one of them. After we finished our dinner, we stood up, slowly returning to the Slytherin Common Room.

"Oh hello love" Sebastian exclaimed once he saw Jessica heading to the Great Hall.

"Leaving already?" Jess asked as she kissed her boyfriend. I moved to the side, giving the couple some space.

"Hey George" I heard Adelaide's voice.

"Hey Adel" I waved discreetly.

"It's been a while since you've called me that" she winked at me "I was wondering – now that you and Poppy aren't together anymore...who – uhm – who are you taking to the Ball?" she questioned with a slight pause between her sentences, as if she was reluctant.

"You know Adelaide, these kind of events aren't really my thing" I responded in a neutral tone.

"I've been asked by Hector Fawley" she informed me, even though I did not bother asking.


"But if you change your mind and you feel like coming to the Ball, I can blow him off and go with you" Adelaide whispered; she moved closer wrapping her hands around me.

"George, are you coming?" Ominis intervened, successfully ruining her seduction plan. Adelaide rolled her eyes and walked away.

I could tell she was annoyed, but honestly I could not care less, all this unnecessary drama was not my scene. Ominis and I went back to our Common Room, discussing the upcoming Quidditch try-outs.

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