Chapter 2: Ominis' secret (part 10)

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George's pov

A few days have passed since our last meeting with the Keepers. As planned, I went to the library in an attempt to find Sophronia Franklin. I walked upstairs and searched every corridor until I spotted a short young girl reading a Transfiguration book.

"Sophronia Franklin?" I questioned. I was unsure whether it was her, we had only talked once in the past. The Ravenclaw girl turned around and looked at me.

"George! To what do I owe the pleasure?" the girl smiled.

"I'm looking for some information and I think you've got what it takes to help me" I complimented her.

"Information about what?" she asked.

"Larissa witch, ever heard of her?" from her facial expression I could already predict what her answer was going to be.

"Not really, what do you need the information for?" she seemed sceptical.

"It's for an important school matter, I'm not allowed to say more" I explained.

"Fair enough! I'll see what I can do about it" Sophronia replied.

"Thank you, I owe you one" I said and hugged her, but as I turned back, I noticed Poppy standing at the end of the corridor staring at us, her eyes full of anger.

Oh fuck!

Poppy had misinterpreted my intentions, which was reasonable given that I had not explained our plan to her.

"Poppy wait!" I shouted and followed her as she ran downstairs. I had promised myself I would never run behind a girl, but this girl was so special to me, that I did it without even hesitating. I managed to catch up to her on the ground floor of the library, and I grabbed her arm, pulling her close to me.

"Poppy it's not what you think" I tried to explain myself.

"Of course! I see you flirting with half of the girls in our school but it's not what I think" Poppy raised her tone, seemingly upset.

"Shh! Be quiet miss Sweeting, you're in a library" Madam Scribner stated strictly.

"Flirting? I just needed her help with something, she's a fourth year for God's sake" I attempted to calm her down, but was ultimately unsuccessful.

"It's not just her, it's Imelda, it's Adelaide and every Ravenclaw girl" Poppy looked furious.

"Imelda? Are you out of..." but before I could finish my sentence I was interrupted by the librarian once again.

"Enough! I will see both of you in detention after class" she said. Poppy flashed me a rage-filled look before walking away.

Jessica's pov

I was walking through the Central Hall holding hands with Sebastian, heading to the greenhouse as the Herbology class was about to begin in a few minutes.

"Is that Sweeting?" Sebastian pointed at Poppy, who was talking to Cressida.

"Yes – that's odd! Why is she talking to that monstrosity of a person?" I externalised my thoughts.

"She seems upset" Sebastian noticed.

"I should go talk to her"

"Try to do that without killing Cressida" Sebastian joked.

"I will try my best; save me a seat in Herbology, will you?"

"Yes ma'am" Sebastian said in a mocking tone before leaving. As I approached them, all I could hear was Poppy complaining. What did George do? Why is she talking to Cressida?

"Poppy, is everything alright?" I asked whilst putting my hand softly on her back.

"I just saw George flirting with a Ravenclaw girl in the library and we had a fight" Poppy responded.

"Oh Poppy, don't you get it? This is the price you pay for falling for one of the school's saviours"

As I had imagined, Cressida was doing anything but helping.

"That's absurd! George loves you, this is all a misunderstanding" I was trying to comfort Poppy, but Cressida had other intentions.

"If you want to eliminate the competition, there is something you should do" Cressida added "Sleep with him! Give him a reason to forget any other girl"

"Do you think that would work?" Poppy genuinely questioned.

"Wow and I thought you couldn't get any more stupid" I replied directly to Cressida. I was furious with how she was trying to manipulate Poppy! She was a purely nasty witch. She gave me an evil gaze but I could not care less, I moved Poppy to the side so we could talk privately.

"Poppy I understand you're upset right now, but you're not thinking clearly. You don't need to sleep with him to prove him that you love him. I know George, you are special to him! He wouldn't do anything to hurt you"

"Jess, I just..." she attempted to speak but I carried on with my arguments "You have nothing to worry about, Grayson, Mia and I sent George to talk to Sophronia Franklin, the Ravenclaw girl, because we needed some information about something important" I explained.

"I suppose, that makes a lot of sense" Poppy admitted. "Thank you Jess"

"You needn't thank me, I know you love him, but please...don't let your insecurities ruin this beautiful relationship that you have"

After all that motivational speaking, I made my way to the nearest bathroom to calm down. I knew I would be unable to concentrate on Herbology with all this anger stored inside me. I will beat Cressida up next time she tries to mess with any of my friends.

Mia's pov

After I was finishing my classes for the day, I joined Garreth and Natty for a butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks. We greeted Sirona and sat at a table on the right-hand side of the main entrance, right where that spying portrait that made up lies about students and told the Headmaster once stood. I am so glad Jessica and I got rid of it last year.

Natty and Garreth discussed about certain modifications to the Gryffindor Common Room as well as some classes we all have in common. After these dull topics were over, I nodded to Garreth to get him to talk about the actual reason we were there.

"Natty don't you think it's about time to forgive Jess?" Garreth initiated the conversation. Natty looked sceptical as she glanced at me.

"That's not something I am comfortable discussing right now, especially with one of Jessica's best friends"

"I understand Natty, but all I want is to help you, Jessica is a close friend of yours too" I placed my hand on top of hers to show her that I was genuine.

"You're right my friend, I overreacted! But every time I see George with Poppy; it hurts me" Natty expressed her feelings.

"Then we should help you find someone else, so you can forget about George! Perhaps one of Garreth's friends?" I enthusiastically suggested, although hearing her say that Poppy's relationship makes her sad was somewhat unsettling.

"I don't know my friend" Natty seemed reluctant.

"Leave it to me" Garreth excitedly responded with a smile spreading over his lips "You will forget about George in no time"

Garreth's words made me anxious rather than relaxed, as I was unsure whether I could trust his perception on these kinds of matters. We finished our Butterbeers and returned to Hogwarts as the sun set.

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