Chapter 1: The Big Return (part 3)

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Jessica's pov

As the train rattled along the railway tracks, I found myself lost in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. My attention was drawn, when Grayson passed from our wagon, halting my internal conflict for a brief while.

What's he up to? No sign of George, Sebastian or Ominis! They probably flew to school by broom since Feldcroft is not that far away from Hogwarts.

"What's on your mind?" Mia asked me.

"More like who's on your mind?" Garreth giggled, clearly taunting me.

"Quit it" I gave him a threatening gaze.

"Is it who I think it is?" Natty inquired, a malicious gleam evident in her eyes.

"Whatever" I said with a pointed look, ignoring her question. "I'm going for a walk" I rolled my eyes and left the wagon to escape any further mocking.

Garreth's lack of discretion did not really bother me, but I acted like I was irritated, because I needed an excuse to go look for Sebastian. We had not communicated in any way since the battle of Hogwarts. I knew he had been in touch with George and Ominis over the summer, so it was only me who he did not want to talk to. Why? Was he upset with me or was something else going on?

As I wandered around the wagons, I came upon an empty one and opted to stay there alone with my thoughts, peering out the window, observing the trees, the bridges, the lakes, the mountains, and other scenic landscapes.

"My oh my" I heard a familiar voice breaking the silence.

Turning, I found Grayson standing in the doorway. "Hey Gray" I smiled.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, concern etched into his face.

"Why wouldn't it be?" I replied with a forced grin, quickly changing the subject. "Tell me, how you are! Excited to go back to Hogwarts, are we?"

"I am! Can't wait to see what's expecting us! I hope we can enjoy this year"

"Yeah, I wish I could be that optimistic" I sighed.

"Is there something bothering you?" Grayson questioned again, giving me a sceptical look.

"No, honey, everything's good".

Everything was fine indeed; the wizarding world was finally at peace, or at least so we thought. I stayed with him for the rest of the trip, recalling our summer adventures until we finally arrived at Hogwarts.

Grayson and I parted ways once we reached the Great Hall, where I made my way to the Gryffindor Table alongside Natty, Garreth and Leander as the Sorting Ceremony was about to begin.

Memories of my own Sorting Ceremony came back; it seemed like it was only yesterday when I had sat in these very seats anxiously awaiting the Sorting Hat's decision.

The ceremony was quite dull, thus my attention kept drifting elsewhere. My eyes constantly glimpsing at the Slytherin table, trying to spot Sebastian, but neither he nor George were there. Where could they be?

As the last name was called and the new students took their seats, I became concerned that Sebastian might not be returning to Hogwarts after all.

Suddenly, the doors of the Great Hall flung open, and George and Sebastian entered. My heart skipped a beat as I watched them head to the Slytherin table.

Sebastian looked different – taller, more mature than I remembered. His features seemed sharper, more defined, and his Slytherin robe fit differently on his body. Puberty had hit him in the greatest way possible.

After dinner, I exited the Great Hall, but unlike the other Gryffindor students, who returned to their Common Rooms, I stayed behind when I saw Ominis Gaunt.

"Ominis" I rushed over to him, giving him a warm hug. "I've missed you!"

He returned the hug with a smile. "Missed you too Jess. I'm really sorry I wasn't in a talkative mood over the summer break; it wasn't easy to deal with the situation back then" he explained, his tone carrying some sadness.

"I understand, Ominis; I'm sure we'll be able to catch up now that we're both back at Hogwarts" I tried to comfort him, squeezing his arm compassionately.

"I'd love that" a smile spread over his lips.

"How is the situation between you and Sebastian? Is everything alright?" I inquired, hoping that he would provide some information about Sebastian's summer. I could have asked George, but he was always so secretive about everything. Is that a Slytherin thing? But Ominis is different.

"It was rather difficult to forgive him, but I guess things are fine now! The same cannot be said for Anne as well" he said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I'm sure she will come around, he is her only brother after all" I stated, attempting to remain optimistic.

"I assume you haven't talked to him much, have you?"

Ominis' words felt like sharp knives stabbing right through my heart. "We haven't talked since...the battle" I responded bitterly.

"Oh! I would've never guessed" Ominis' facial expression visibly indicated his surprise.

"Why is that?" I questioned.

"Ominis!" a familiar voice echoed from behind us; it was Sebastian. My heart felt like it was going to explode, at the sound of his voice. "Oh, hello" he added awkwardly once our eyes met.

"Hey" I gave him a polite nod, hoping that my eyes would not betray my burning desire to see him. The tension between us was apparent, and there was an awkwardness to our words, an unease that had not been there before.

"You wanted something Sebastian?" Ominis broke the silence; perhaps he sensed the uncomfortable energy in the air.

"As a matter of fact, I did!" Sebastian responded, maintaining eye contact with me. "George and I are heading to our common room, care to join us?"

"Yes, I'm kind of tired!" Ominis yawned. "Good night, Jess"

"Good night, troublemaker" Sebastian smirked, as he walked away with Ominis.

"Good night" I waved to both of them, keeping my tone as neutral as possible.

As I watched them disappear down the corridor, I felt a sense of uncertainty growing inside me. I returned to the Gryffindor common room, my mind racing with thoughts and emotions. I went straight to the bathroom to have a quick cold shower; I needed to put my negative thoughts away and focus on the exciting parts of being back to Hogwarts. 

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