Chapter 4: Connected by blood (part 11)

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Jessica's pov

I was freezing, I could feel myself uncontrollably shivering, but that was not even the worst part; my whole body was aching. I had never experienced so much pain before. Did someone cast the Cruciatus Curse on me? Was that how Natty felt last year, when Harlow casted it on her?

I opened my eyes; I was on top of the lift shaft. I remember it now, the lift fell abruptly down when someone cut off the chain holding it. How did I survive that fall? Where was I? It looked like a mine, why was there a mine underneath the castle? I tried to gain all my strength to stand up, but the pain was insufferable. I pushed with my hands as hard as I could, clutching the wall in an attempt to stabilise my feet on the floor.

Only then did I realise my clothes were torn apart and there were bloody scratches all over my body. That animagous really did a number on me with his filthy claws.

"Shit" I groaned in pain.

I looked around noticing the book with the coded message; it must have fallen down the lift shaft with me. I quickly grabbed it and started wandering through the mine shaft.

I was walking slowly yet steadily, searching for an escape route, when I heard someone talking. I hastily hid behind a furnace and used the Disillusionment spell, making me partially invisible.

I saw two goblins passing by, speaking in Gobbledegook. I tried my best to stay still, even though my legs were trembling. Luckily, I managed to go unnoticed until they were too far away to see or hear me move.

I walked further through the tunnels, but every step felt like knives stabbing my legs. Suddenly, screams started echoing from the direction the goblins had previously followed.

I let the horrendous noises guide me, hoping that whoever attacked the goblins was a possible ally, willing to help me escape this nightmare. What was that saying again? The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

I spotted the two goblins, who I previously bumped into, laying on the floor soulless. What happened? Who did this to them?

All of a sudden, I felt the temperature drastically falling to the point where my own breath was visible. It was probably cold enough to freeze an entire lake. I looked back and saw a Dementor coming from the end of the tunnel as a feeling of despair filled the mine shaft. I drew my wand as fast as I could.

"Depulso" I shouted, but the Dementor was approaching me threateningly with great speed, avoiding the spell. There was no escape, I would be easily outran especially in the condition I was in.

I closed my eyes, thinking that I would soon experience the hideous Dementor's kiss, when a light appeared behind the Dementor. A Patronus in the form of a fox shined bright right in front of my eyes, forcing the Dementor to flee.

"Jess!" I heard a male voice whispering; it was Grayson!

"Grayson!" words could not describe how relieved I was to see him.

"How are you still alive?" Grayson furrowed his eyebrows while examining my wounds.

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

"Can you move?" he asked.

"Kind of" I let out softly.

"Do you still have the book?" he questioned. He noticed my torn clothes and wrapped his cloak around me for extra warmth. He was so sweet! I handed him the book and we carried on with our escape plan.

"Come on Jess, let's get out of here" he said while putting his arm around my shoulder to help me move faster as we proceeded to walk forward. It was incredible how perfectly Grayson navigated himself through the mines.

After a couple of minutes we reached an exit, blocked by several wooden boards. Grayson drew his wand and casted Bombarda, blasting through them.

Once we were outside, I looked up in the sky, where the first sun rays of dawn peeked through the clouds. We had to keep moving, but my knees were getting weaker with time; I was exhausted.

"Keep it together, Jess" Grayson encouraged me while making our way through the castle's courtyard.

"JESSICA!" I heard a familiar voice coming our way alongside a tight hug. It was Sebastian. "I thought you were gone"

"It hurts!" I complained in a whispery tone, while some tears started running down my eyes.

"She's all messed up, we need to go now, it's not safe to stay her! – There was a Dementor in the mines" Grayson expressed anxiously.

"A Dementor? What was a..." Sebastian started his sentence but was interrupted by Mia.

"JESS!" Mia's screams of joy once she saw me alerted all the goblins left in the castle, because as soon as she gave me a hug, goblins began to spawn from the main gate of the castle.

"I'll carry her, cover us!" Sebastian shouted and grabbed me in his arms, lifting me up. I laid my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat, he must have felt horribly, when he thought I was dead.

Mia and Grayson moved forward, eliminating the goblins, ultimately clearing the path for us. We managed to reach the Floo Flame and travelled right outside of Hogwarts.

I closed my eyes as Sebastian was carrying me to the Hospital Wing, I do not even remember how we arrived there. Nurse Blainey gave me some sort of painkiller medication which helped me fall asleep.

George's pov

I made my way to the Hospital Wing as soon as I was informed that Jessica was finally awake. I entered the room and went straight to her bed. She was laying peacefully, looking beautiful. The scars were an indication of her strength, because no matter how severely injured she was, she managed to survive.

"George?" she let out in a whispery tone once she saw me.

"Hey there, I've come here plenty of times, but you were asleep – these are for you" I said and handed her a bouquet of tulips.

"Thank you" she smiled.

"Are you feeling any better?" I asked her as I sat on an empty bed next to hers.

"Yeah the painkillers are doing a pretty good job" she sighed.

"How long is the recovery going to take?"

"Couple of weeks according to nurse Blainey" she replied and coughed lightly.

"Oh come on Jess don't give me that look, we both know you're tougher than this" I tried my best to comfort her and give her a positive mindset. Optimism was the only hope she had to get out of this situation physically and mentally.

"A real Gryffindor, huh?" she chuckled softly.

"A real warrior!" I smirked.

"So any luck decoding the message?" Jess asked while fixing her pillow's position.

"No clue – I had to spend my afternoon in detention" I shrugged.

"What for?" she laughed quietly.

"Beating that Ravenclaw – Andrew Larson up" I explained.

"When did that happen? How come Imelda didn't mention anything about it?" Jessica looked impressed.

"I think it's time you let Ms. Riley rest" nurse Blainey interrupted our conversation.

"Take care Jess" 

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