Chapter 1: The Big Return (part 2)

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Mia's pov

Summer was coming to an end and I couldn't help but feel a sense of eagerness growing within me. The prospect of returning to Hogwarts excited me, and I began counting down the days until our departure. Despite the lingering memories of the previous year's events, I was hopeful that this year would be calm and tranquil.

Throughout the summer break, I exchanged a couple of owls with some of my friends, including Poppy. She spent the summer battling Poachers all around Scotland with George. If you're asking me, I think she has a little crush on him.

The next few days passed quickly, and before I knew it, I was in Diagon Alley, buying the requisite books from Flourish and Blotts. With my purchases in hand, I headed to the Leaky Cauldron.

When I walked inside, the lively chatter and laughter of the guests filled the air. Amidst the many faces that turned and stared at me, I noticed Jessica coming towards me.

"Mia!" her voice rang out in a cordial manner.

A smile spread across my face as I hugged her tight. "Jess! I'm glad to see you"

"Likewise! I'm sitting over there with Garreth, Leander and Natty, come join us!" Jessica kindly gestured to the table.

I nodded gratefully, following her around till we got to her table. Sliding into an empty chair next to her, I could not help but notice the mischievous sparkle in Garreth's eyes as he leaned back in his chair, a cunning smirk forming on the corner of his lips.

"If it isn't our favourite Hufflepuff" he drawled, his voice full of playful sarcasm.

I glanced at him, rolling my eyes at his mocking tone. "Garreth, what are you doing here? How come you aren't brewing any explosive potions?" I taunted him, making everyone but him giggle.

Garreth grinned, his gaze lingering on me for a moment too long. "Oh I am onto something, but this is only the beginning" he stated eagerly.

"I am intrigued, do tell".

"You will soon find out. Be patient!" Garreth winked at me, a cunning smirk tugging at his lips. "You should be able to do that – you're a Hufflepuff"

We kept exchanging friendly insults and mocking remarks, and after a few minutes of enduring Garreth's taunts, Jessica and I made our way to the toilet.

"So...what's going between you and Weasley?" she asked while looking herself in the mirror, fixing her hair.

Her question caught me off guard and I struggled to come up with a convincing answer. "Who? Garreth? Nothing! Jess please don't be ridiculous" I replied with a nonchalant shrug, trying to dismiss her concern.

"So why are you blushing then?" she gave me a mischievous gaze.

"I am not blu..." I looked at my reflection in the mirror and was shocked to find out that my cheeks had turned bright red. "Ugh, let's go back" I said as I playfully nudged Jessica, who was giggling.

As we returned to the table, I noticed Garreth was no longer there. "Where's Garreth?" I asked Leander and Natty as I sat down.

"He said he had somewhere to be" Natty replied, her tone casual.

Ugh! Why do I even bother and why on earth was I blushing? Garreth is nothing but a troublemaker, causing catastrophes with his potions. Although, I must admit he is a rather good potioneer and he is kind of cute. Never mind, he left without even saying goodbye, how rude!

Lost in my thoughts, I barely listened to the talk going on around me. Jessica seemed to notice, giving me a little nudge and bringing me back to the present moment.

Apparently, Leander had asked me something, but I was too busy thinking about Garreth. I tried my best to remain focused on the conversation until it was time for us to head to Platform 9 ¾.     

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