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                                 Bellamy POV

I didn't think I could be anymore shocked than I already was.

When the ship came back, they came back to mayhem- it didn't take long for Kayleigh to assume control over the situation. She had her army round everyone up- separated the wounded making sure they got the care they needed. Then she separated them again from the true believers to the disbeliever's.

I thought maybe we'd house them separately from the others, keep them locked up until they'd come to realize everything they believed in was a lie- or at worse send them beyond the field and let them live as Gabriel and the others were forced to.

Everyone had different ideas- different opinions- but no one had brought up crossing the line as Kayleigh did.

"They burn."

The first and only words she'd spoken since taking control over Sanctum. Not only had she not spoken, her guards wouldn't let me more than a few feet from her-Kayleigh wouldn't let me near her. She looked to be carved out of stone, there was no emotions or expressions on her face. I couldn't even tell if she was breathing as the silence stretched on.

"Kayleigh, Kayleigh you can't be serious?"

She doesn't blink, still doesn't move.

"Sweetheart, you can't-

"I am Heda, and I have decided," she says staring vacantly at me, "The remaining Primes, and their devote believers burn at sundown."

The way she looks at me- I can't describe it- but it was as if she were challenging me. Daring me to speak out against her decision, anticipating what would happen next.

I kept quiet even though it was the furthest thing that I wanted to do. When she knew I wasn't going to fight against her, she nodded, turned and walked away with her guard in tow.

"What the fuck was that about?" I charged once she was gone. "What the fuck happened??"

"Too much." Raven answers with a shake of her head. "There's no coming back from this.."

                            Kayleigh POV

Fire and chaos was what we came back to.

I tried.

Fire and the sounds of screams.

The effects of the toxins had already passed but it didn't matter to these people.

Not anymore..

The true believers were hell bent on "purifying" those they didn't believe- weren't devote enough. Even when I shoved the truth down their throats-they still refused to believe.

The lies had become more important.

Far too many whom believed Russell and the lies he spewed. It didn't matter that before her death the Prime Priya had admitted that they killed the ones of whose bodies they occupied. They weren't one with anyone or anything- they were simply gone as they had never been. It didn't matter that the surviving Primes had admitted much the same, or the videos Gabriel had documented in the earlier stages.

I had killed their God's and that made me an unholy monster. And because I was a disease- I spread my poisons to others making them dis-believers. They were no longer pure and anything spoiled needed to be told expelled quickly from Sanctum.

They were the ones who needed to be dealt with, quickly and swiftly.

We were past second chances.

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