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                              Third Person POV
                             ** The woods **

"Stop fighting." Bellamy snares adjusting his grip on the struggling blonde.

"Don't you get it, you're killing all 3 of us!" She shrieks. "Not to mention the rest of your friends when my father finds out. Is Clarke really worth all of that?" She questions just as a wave of dizziness falls upon her. "It's getting worse. You have to take me home." She tries to plead

"If I take you home, you'll use an EMP and kill Clarke." Bellamy replies with a shake of his head. "I told you I won't let that happen."

"The children of Gabriel won't help you." She tries once more continuing with her struggles. "When they find out who I am, they won't just destroy my mind drive, they'll cut off my head, and you'll have nothing."

"Well, let's make sure they don't find out."

"Look, I don't know what they taught you on that hunk of metal you grew up in, but where I'm from, when someone tells you you're in danger, you listen."

"Yeah, we do that, too, unless the people we
care about are in trouble, then we do what has to be done. Now, come on. Let's go."

"The people you care about are in trouble." She says exasperated. "I guess you just care about her more."

"Quiet." He orders shoving her down to her knees when he hears multiple foot steps approaching.

"You're in our woods!" A woman calls out, appearing from behind a tree a few yards away.

"A long way from home." Another says coming from behind the duo

"It's OK." Bellamy says raising his hands. "I need to see Gabriel."

"On the ground!"

"He needs to know what we know." Bellamy calls out again as more appear surrounding them.

"God, you're an idiot." Josie sneers

"Hands up!"
"On your knees!"

"Ew." She says crinkling her nose. "What is that smell?"

"Which one of you is Gabriel?" Bellamy continues to ask. "We have information critical to your cause."

"Their cause is a joke."


"What did these people ever do to you, hmm?" Josie asks while glaring at the others. "Let me guess, they refused reeducation?"

"Be quiet." Bellamy snarls at her again

"Does their faith in the crimes really threaten you that much?" She continues, "Do you think that dressing up in scary costumes helps your cause? We laugh at you in Sanctum."

The man gets in her face no, gripping the back of her hair tightly forcing her to look up to him. "Why aren't you laughing now?"

"Just wait."

"They can make hosts." Bellamy blurts out. "As many as they want."

"Details, or your rude friend dies."

"I don't think so. Touch her, I'll tell you nothing."

"Something tells me we could make you talk."

"Maybe, but by then, the 12 Primes could be back. Gabriel gets the details. No one else."

"There were 13." The woman says looking from Bellamy then back to her companions. "Chain them up. If the old man doesn't respond, you die like him."

"Let's go."

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