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               Third Person POV

"Check it out." Jackson says looking through one of the Windows to see a swarm of insects flying by. "Alien life."

"At least something's alive down here." Miller grumbles, before nudging Jacksons shoulder. "We're the aliens, by the way."

"Heh. Oh, my God, we're aliens." He replies with a genuine laugh, only it dies when he turns to see the look on Nates face. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"It's good to see you happy, Jackson." He says somberly

"Hey." Jackson says reaching up cradling Nates face in his hands. "Hey, stop. We both did things in the bunker-

"No. I did things." Nate admits. "You didn't stop things. There's a difference."

"We needed to survive." Jackson presses. "That's why you did the things that you did...period."

"Oh, I wish that were good enough."


The Suns had yet to fully surpass one another, Shaw was trying in vain to get in contact with the ship, even as the others had broken off from one another into smaller cliques. Clarke sat alone besides Shaw watching the way the others interacted with eachochother.

"Eligius IV, this is expedition one." Shaw repeats. "Do you read?

Bellamy sat on the moss covers ground, Kayleigh leaned against his chest while he rubbed his hands up and down her arms. Echo sat close by speaking with the duo but Clarke couldn't make out what they were saying, while John and Cammie were once again arguing down by the water.

"Miller helped keep Octavia alive." Echo says reminding the oldest Blake. "Someday you'll thank him for that."

"Will I ?"

"You thanked Asher for what he did for me." Kayleigh says vaguely.

She appeared relaxed but was anything but- the buzzing and tingling sensations had yet to leave.

"That's different-

"Because I didn't choose canniablism?" She scoffs. "I did worse."

And Kayleigh had. Under Asher's guidance she learned how to not only  mutilate but to amputate various body parts as well all the while keeping her victims conscious and living until their punishment fully paid for their crime.

Blood must have blood

"There's no starting over without forgiveness, Bellamy." Echo continues. "Who knows that better than us? "

It was odd for Clarke to see how close the trio were. Even though the woman had lost his respect when she tried to kill his sister a second time in the conclave, it seemed Bellamy was able to forgive Echo for her past transgressions. What she didn't understand was why after all this time Kayleigh had let her live.

It was no secret six years ago the disdain and hatred Kayleigh had for the Azgeda spy.  Was more adamant about ending her life, more than she was anything else. But here they were now. Echo living and breathing following Kayleigh as if it as the most natural thing in the world.

Beautiful DemonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz