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                 Third Person POV

"How are they." Kayleigh rasps out

Not expecting to feel her breath on her neck- nor her being so close, Abby all but jumps out of her skin. Trembling hands went at her throat as she stares back in confusion at the dark haired woman.


"Asher... and Kane..." Kayleigh deadpans slowly. "How were they before you decided to come exploring." She adds when the doctor doesn't answer.

"We-we removed most of the bullets." She stammers at first before catching herself. "A fragment of one in his heart couldn't be removed. We did what we could-

"Will he live."

"Will any of us if he doesn't?"

At that a small smile curves on Kayleigh's lips, Abby feels herself shiver once again, swallowing thickly.

"And Kane?"

"What game are you trying to play?" Abby snaps. "You've already made it known you can take everyone I love away from me- can take my life at any moment-

"There is no game." Kayleigh replies emotionlessly still. "Whether you like it or not, you are one of mine.. one of my people, and so is Kane. I am Heda." She states as her eyes flicker away from Abby's watching Jordan's attempt at leaving. "I am responsible for all of you."

"He's back in cryo," Abby answers after a moment, "and I'm hoping that there'll be medicine here in Sanctum that will help him, but we won't know that unless you get their leaders on our side."

"Don't let your emotions blind you..I'm not convinced these are the people we want on our side." She calmly says as she looks past Abby, her eyes following the boy who thought he'd left unseen.

Looking around her gaze briefly finds Octavia's and with a subtle nod of her head, Octavia sets her own cup down and stealthily follows Jordan out of the tavern.

"Aren't you tired of it all?" Abby questions regaining Kayleigh's focus back to her. "Tired of the fighting, the constant bloodshed."

"I want my children to grow up and live long lives, for my people to have a place to call home, to prosper... Believe it or not Abby, I want the same thing as you and Clarke.."


"By the glory and grace of the Primes, daily tai chi is commencing now." A woman calls out to the crowd from the dais she stood upon. "May your hearts be filled with love and light as we love as one."

"Pretty sure you were supposed to stay inside." A voice calls out from behind.

Jumping slightly from the darkened corner where he stood, Jordan turned to see a young dark skinned girl standing a few feet from him.

"Delilah." He says blushing slightly at being caught. "Right. Sorry. It's just--

"I'm kidding." She says with a small giggle of her own. "The primes want you isolated from us. We're not supposed to answer or ask any questions." She continues with a shrug moving to stand beside him

"Why not?"

"That's a question." She answers with a smile. "They chose us because of our tavern and on account of the fact that by the end of the week, I become one of them."

"Wait. What?" He asks in confusion. "Does that mean you're a princess?"

Was he suppose to bow like the woman from earlier had wanted Clarke to bow to Russell?

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