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Third Person POV
The Past....

"Who else was in on this with you?"

He voice soft and velvet-comforting, but his face and body language was anything but. Twirling the knife in his hand he steps closer to the chained body, the other reaching out pulling the mans head back by his hair, positioning the blade on the inside of his mouth.

"It wasn't you who did this alone." He continues, "you who are too cowardly- you had help.. give me their names." He demands once again pushing the blade harder to the inside of his cheek. Still the man gave no answer.

Dark blue eyes faded to black, a smirk curves his lips as he cuts the mans mouth from the inside out- giving him a permanent smile. The mans cries did nothing for him for that wasn't what he was seeking. Wouldn't give him satisfaction.

"You helped take something very precious from me.." He says circling around the man so he was now facing his bare back.

He taps the wet blade a few times against his lips-his mind deep in thought on how he would proceed next. He didn't want the coward to die- even though death was inevitable. He needed to be made an example of first. But it was more to it than that, he needed to pay- all of them did for what they had done.

Slowly he runs the blade down the mans back, breaking the skin as he goes. The prisoner whimpers as an idea comes to pass. Digging the knife deeper, he runs the blade from the base of his neck down pass his rib cage, cutting skin away from muscle.

"You took from me the only person whom ever cared for me." He says pulling the skin away as he cuts careful to keep it intact. "A man such as he deserved a more honorable death." He contiues, ignoring the mans screams as he works.

His father, his brother in arms, his teacher, advisor.

"They dared to take him away from me."

Gurgled screams could still be heard despite the pains in face from where the very same blade had been used to split his lips further apart creating the illusion of a wider smile-were nothing compared to what was being done behind him. Once the skin from the right side of his body had been removed from muscle he paused his ministrations, walking back to face the man who's head now hung down. Bloody hands gripped the back of his hair once more forcing him to look up.

"You think you know pain now?" He chuckles. "You know nothing." He sneers. "We're going to play a game you and I," he says, so closely he was the man could feel his breath against his face. "You're going to tell me who aided you, who all was apart of this coupe, if you lie, you loose another body part... perhaps your other eye, followed by your lips ear and nose." He says pausing as a cruel smile curls upon his own lips at the though. "You can go unto the afterlife deaf, blind, mutilated, or mostly whole."

Still the other man remains silent other than his heavy panting breaths.

"No? That's all right." He says pressing his face close to his, licking the blood streaming down his face. "Tell me what I want to know." He says softly, "and if you do I'll spare your family."

"Lies." The man rasps out spitting out blood as he does so. "You'll kill us all either way."

His laugh is cruel just as his smile, pulling away, using the same hand still holding the blade he grips the mans jaw tightly.

"You're right." He concedes, nodding thoughtfully. "However I leave their manner of death in your hands... you can either watch your wife and children die slowly, painfully.. I'll save your other eye to watch as I feed pieces of them to the animals.." he says watching as the mans face ashens with horror, "or you tell me the truth, tell me everything, and I give you my word they will die quickly and easily."

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