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                     Kayleigh POV

Back down to the ground I went with my warriors in tow. They had strict orders to watch, listen, and most importantly- to be prepared for everything, and anything.

Russell wasn't happy they I brought them with me, after all it wasn't apart of the agreement- not yet at least. I reminded him that I made no such agreements with him and these were my personal body guards. Being of royal blood myself, like he claimed I was, entitled to have protection of my own.

Half truths of course.

We both knew I was more than capable of protecting myself. Instead of questioning it-me further on the matter he simply smiled and says, "Come, it's about to begin."

Turning to the warriors behind me I nod my head, indicating for them to spread out, allowing me more breathing space- and for them to do their part.

"Heda- there's Clarke!"

I wanted her to stay behind on the ship, didn't want her, or my own children down here-not yet. She was so damn stubborn- adamant that should be allowed to come, after all she wasn't just a child anymore but my second- her place was at my side. Valid reasons but I also knew it was because she worried and missed her mother.

She missed Clarke.

"Go ahead.." I tell her softly watching as a smile curves her lips in excitement.

Madi doesn't hesitate- she turns running towards the short blonde haired woman.

"Clarke!" I hear her squeal over the short amount of distance between us and them, as she jumps into her arms.

I watch as Clarke stands still for a moment before realizing who it was holding onto her so tightly. It didn't take long for her to return it, or the way her eyes faintly glistened.

"Don't let her out of your sight." I rasp out to the warrior nearest me.

He was small- not much taller than me, yet muscular in a way that fit his stature. His red hair was cropped short, but bangs hid the color of his eyes. He looked much like a child-even though he wasn't- which was one of the reasons why I chose to have him come along, replacing one of Indras.
With Madi being insistent on coming down here, she was being placed in danger- and I wouldn't be able to focus on what was going on if I had to worry about her safety as well. It made him perfect.


That was his name, a warrior from ice nation who wasn't ashamed of where he came from, or the banished prince he was named after.

A man who could play the roll of being one of the older teens from the bunker, providing unknown safety to the girl.

See Clarke... I'm keeping my word...

From the corner of my eye I watch as his face morph-the harsh lines all but disappeared, and an excited smile curves on his lips as he makes his way over to the duo leaving me to follow behind.

"He's cute." I hear Madi say as Cillian walks away from Clarke- whatever they were discussing was clearly over.

"Stop." She quickly hushes before turning her sights on Roanoke who stood sheepishly a few feet behind Madi. "Who's this?"

"This is Roanoke-

"Roanoke? Wait that means... you were once ice nation?" Clarke questions giving him the once over noticing how he bore no scars on his face as his predecessors once did.

"A long time ago, before Praimfeya." He replies with a nod, "I don't remember much of it- it doesn't exist anymore- we're all Wonkru." He says with a shrug. "So this is what a fresh start looks like?" He questions with a boyish smile.

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