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                            Third Person POV

"It's late." Sarah says entering the villa. "What's the emergency?" She questions looking first to Simone then to Russell.

"Rose was more than likely killed but Jade returned with your family."

"Oh, thank God." She says her shoulders sagging in relief, she forgets herself and moves to hug the man.

"First..." he says gently pushing her away from him, "tell us the truth."

"There's a rumor that you and your family were running away when you went up to the Earth ship." Simone speaks out

"That's ridiculous. Why would we run away?" Sarah says indignantly. "Who told you this?"

"I did." A voice calls out from Sarah causing her to jump slightly.

"You would take the word of a stranger over me?" She questions eye brows scrunched up

"What's the matter, SarahLeigh?" Josie says as Clarke's mouth moves. "You don't recognize your best friend?" She says with a smile fingers twirling a strand of short hair.

"Josephine?" She questions eyes wide with shock. Josephine had been the only one to call her by her full name- SarahLeigh- whereas everyone else would just call her Sarah.

"Surprise."Josie says sarcastically as Sarah begins moving further away from her. "I heard that you were the one to find my last body after my tragic fall."

"I heard you found Isaac's body in the offering grove."

"Yes. His gift to Sanctum was appreciated."

"He would never offer himself!" Sarah shouts in their native language.

"English, please." Simone scolds, neither she or Russell moving to intervene.

"She killed someone I cared for." Sarah accuses. "I was protecting Sanctum...from you." She says pointing at Josephine

"So am I." She replies and just as quickly shoves Sarah causing her to fall over the balcony Josie was herding her towards.

"No!" Simone cries out

"Josephine!" Russell shouts moving to the balcony but it was too late

"Yours was the last face I saw before I fell. Now we're even." Josie says looking down feeling satisfied that she been avenged after so long of waiting. Turning back to her parents she says, "I know we have a lot to discuss, but right now, I want to have a shower, get out of this hideous dress."


"Hey." Josie says turning away from the painting canvas, seeing her parents standing at the doorway to her room. "Too loud?" She questions after setting down the paint brush and paint to turn off the music she had previously been playing.

"No. Come here." He says patting him he bed.

"You didn't sleep, did you?" Simone asks, stroking Clarke's hair as she sat between them.

"I never do my first night back." She answers with a shrug

"We have to talk about Sarah." Russell says with a serious look

"Ah, no, we don't." Josie says hopping from the bed. "Her family was afraid that you'd find out she killed me. That's why they ran. A couple of decades on ice, it'll teach them a lesson."

"It may be considerably less than that." Simone replies

"The people from Earth?" Josie asks exquisitely, "How many of them are hosts?"

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