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Third Person POV

"God, I hate being tied up, yet somehow whenever I'm with you, sooner or later, we wind up here, don't we?" He says glaring at Clarke. "I mean, first, you hanged me."

"Well, in fairness, I did that." Bell cuts in

"Only after she forced your hand," he says with a snort before adding, "and who could forget Lexa? Yeah, I was tied up that night, too. Just a disposable pawn in your game."

"That's not fair." Clarke rebuttal

"Neither was tying up me and Cammie in Becca's lab, but she was disposable, too, right? I know you remember that one, Clarke, because you drew a little picture of it in your memory book." He says sarcastically. "Let me ask you a question. Did you draw a picture of Bellamy in the fighting pit, too?"

"Okay, Murphy." Bell cuts in. "That's enough. Don't make me gag you, too."

"Jackson can take another look at that wound in the morning." Clarke says eyes the spot John was rubbing a moment before

"Oh, It's not from the knife. It's from the bullet wounds that I took from saving Bellamy's life from those armed psychopaths you put back in the battlefield."

"What the hell do you want from me, Murphy?" Clarke charges indignantly. "I'm sorry, okay. For all of it. I never meant for you to get hurt, but, no matter what I do, someone always does. Is that what you want to hear, that I'm the bad guy? Fine. I'll be the bad guy. When I'm in charge, people die. Isn't that what you said? Satisfied?"

"It's a start." He deadpans and before anything more could be said they could hear screams coming from the roof tops.

"Ah!" The voice screams in agony. "Make it stop!"

"It's Miller." Clarke says recognizing the voice

"Miller, what's wrong?" Bellamy shouts

"Jackson?" Echo calls out from the second floor landing where she and Cammie were chained.

"I gotta get up there now." Bellamy says when they get no reply from either man. "Hand me my key now."

"Fine. But I'm going with you." Clarke huffs as she tosses him his. "Throw me mine."

"Jackson, use the tranqs." Echo calls out behind the closed door. "We divvied them up for a reason."

"Hey, we're coming!" Bell calls as he and Clarke charge up the stairs

"Hey!" Murphy calls out. "What about me?"

"Bellamy, what are you doing?"

"Echo, It's okay. We've got this. Jackson, open the door." Be called out reaching the top of the stairs. "Jackson, open the door. Jackson, open the door."

"The bugs, they're inside him." He says swinging the door open wide

"What?" Clarke asks confusingly. "Hey, hey, did you see them?"

"Miller, stop so we can help you." Bell says trying to hold the man still

"Miller and I were just talking about the terrarium and how I think the bugs are an early-warning system like the canaries in a coalmine." Jackson explains. "Nate opened it, and they must have gotten out."

"They're dead everywhere else." Bell says shaking his head, he wasn't making sense.

"Just unhook me so I can examine him."

"Cut me. Got to cut it out!" Miller begs. "I can feel it in my arms. Got to cut it out, doc."

"Nate, Nate, I'm here." Jackson data's soothingly once Clarke took the cuffs off him. "I'm here."

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