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Third Person POV

"Gaia?" Bellamy calls out shocked to see the woman there. "Hey what are you doing here?" He questions but the woman just continues walking, watching Madi as she does. "Hey, slow down. Madi will be fine."

"I'm here for Heda." She replies in trig, not taking her eyes off the dark haired girl, as Bellamy pulls her to a stop. "How can you say everything is fine? I come down here and learn they gave Clarke a bodyguard for being a nightblood- wanted Heda to have one too but she refused..and she just sends Madi to school?"

"They don't know about Madi being a nightblood, as far as they know it's just Clarke and Kayleigh." He says hurriedly in teig before switching to English. "Besides, not only did Clarke say it was okay for her to go, Kayleigh did too.. You know she wouldn't let anything happen to her." He continues as he steers her towards the bar where Jordan lingered.

"Can I get you guys anything else?" Blythe Ann asks after getting the others a drink.

"Ma'am, can I ask you something?" Jordan asks sadly looking up from his cup.

"Only if you call me BA." She answers with a sweet motherly smile

"What happened to Delilah last night?"

Her smile instantly dropped for a moment, her eyes glistened with unshed tears before giving a small smile. "Our little girl became one with the primes. You were there. What's wrong?"

"Ah, nothing's wrong." Bellamy interjects quickly hoping it was signal enough for Jordan to drop the subject

"She's acting like she doesn't even know me." He says voicing his concerns. "That's what's wrong."

"Oh, child, I miss her, too." BA says attempting to console the boy patting his hand. "Priya's return blesses us all." She says before walking away.

"Priya's return blesses us all?" Jordan questions his voice laced with annoyance. "What does that even mean?"

"It means that they believe in something." Gaia says firmly. "That faith should be respected."

"Jordan, we're guests here, and we need their help."Bellqmy says scoldingly. "I'm sure whatever happened between you and Priya--

"Delilah. It happened between me and Delilah. I know you think you need to protect us all because you couldn't protect Octavia, but I can take care of myself."

"If you truely believe that, you're even more foolish than I thought." Kayleigh's voice rasped out from behind him causing Jordan to jump. "You couldn't take care of her the night she was taken from the roof top- couldn't even protect yourself." She continues her dark eyes staring unblinking at his. "In the last hour I could've easily killed you in a thousand different ways-you would never have even seen my blade coming."

Jordan's mouth opens and closes a few times unable to get the words forming in his brain to verbally come out, as he stared wide eyed at her.

"Kayleigh-" Bellamy goes to say when Jordan finally speaks

"Why would you- how could you?-

"You may think you are a man because you have the body of one," she continues her eyes assessing his body mechanically, "but you are still a child who knows nothing of the ways of the world.. Your parents shouldn't have left you ignorant of that."

The hurt in his eyes were evident, but she appeared not to care. It was the harsh truth, a truth he needed to learn and learn quickly. Carefully he weaved his away around her and abruptly left the group.

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