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Third Person POV

"Ten years?" Layla bursts out. "He's been lying to us forward 10 years, letting me call him brother?"

"He's still our leader."

"No." She cries vehemently. "He's a traitor and a prime. He could've told us the truth, but instead, he let us think we were abandoned. Now, give me back the gun and let me end this once and for all."

"Wait." Bellamy says standing between them. "If this is what you really want, at least wait until he delivers the bomb."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about weaponized red sun toxin." At the look they give him Bellamy further explains. "Gabriel's a nightblood. He can walk it right through
the shield and deploy it." Seeing that the others were seriously thinking over his words he rushes to continue. "Once it's in the air, he finds our friend Raven. She'll bring the shield down for the rest of us. We use the chaos of the evacuation to rescue our people. You kill what primes are left." He finishes firmly. "That's how this ends."

"It's a good plan." Nelson says looking to the others

"Come on." Layla say's incredulously, "You trust them just like that?"

"No." He concedes. "But I will...when he kills Josephine Prime." He says gesturing to Clarke

"I'm not Josephine!" She cried out exasperated

"It's true." Gabriel confirms. "Josephine's gone. I took the mind drive out myself." He says sadly.

"He's protecting her." Layla all but screams. "How much more proof that he's a traitor do we need?"

"If you kill her yourself, I won't build you the bomb."

"Layla, enough." a man named Eli calls out before turning back to Gabriel. "What's the plan?"

"First, we gather the toxin. There's a cave not far from here that grows it."

"You're not going anywhere." Layla sneers. "Neither is your long-lost friend."

"We can do it." Octavia says gesturing to herself and her brother. "Just tell us what to look for."

Octavia POV

"You were right for leaving me behind..." I tell him, breaking the uncomfortable silence between us. "I know how hard that must have been for you, but you were right." I admit. "I was a mess... a danger to you, to myself.. to Kayleigh, and everyone we care about.. I made mistakes, now I'm living with the consequences.. I regret it- all of it, I really do.. I'm sorry."

"Yeah?" He sneers turning to look at me before quickly looking away. "Well, what's changed?"

"Everything." I deadpan, because in those moments in the dreamscape, everything had.

"That much, huh?"

"I need you in my life, Bell." I try pleading with him.

Was this how he felt when he came to me after Lincoln died? Begging me for forgiveness, reminding me that he was my brother- that we were a family, and my shutting him down and out at every turn?

"Look, I don't know what happened to you out here,
but now is not the time." He concedes. "We need to fill these bags and get back to camp before the antitoxin wears off."

"You were my rock." I tell him. Maybe if I explain he would understand why I went to that dark place why I choose to stay there.. "Kayleigh.. Kayleigh was my compass.. without the both of you, I was lost. I couldn't find my way out of the dark. I did things..." I tell him as I take in a shuddering breath, "things I can't take back... things that will haunt me until the day I die." I confess. Because unlike Kayleigh it was the things I did that would haunt me. "I'm not asking you for forgiveness. I know I have to earn that along with your trust."

Beautiful DemonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora