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Hello lovies!!!!!

I am writing- I swear I am! I have 3 chapters- 2 completed 1 started in draft mode. The 2 chapters that are done I have to look over again really well and tweak a few pieces and I'll be able to hit publish.

I thought we were nearing the shit legit hitting the fan, and that I would soon be moving onto the aftermath and everything that's going to happen so we can get to the ending.

So not happening.

Some shit is going to hit the fan like it did in the show, but because of how I've done things, added twists etc- we're not there yet. For me to do it the way I was going to would make no sense and it would be seriously rushed, I won't do that to y'all and I damn sure won't do that to these characters.

More is fixing to happen, it's been playing on a loop in my mind, I just have to figure out how to manipulate transcripts and do ALOT of creative writing and my issue right now is my words aren't matching up to what I'm seeing in my head. When I write I put myself there in those scenes. I want y'all to be able to see it, feel it etc like you're right there with them. And if I can't feel it, and I doesn't hurt me I know it's not what it needs to be.

Sheidheda( Malachi) is gaining Kayleigh's trust- they've bonded which is not good but hey this is the direction they're taking me in. So right now he's all about her, keeping her faith in him, making her believe he's on her side and not looking out for just his interests. Kayleigh believes she's giving him a second chance, their kindred spirits, and wants to bring him to the light to let him be free of the shadows that once consumed her. He's not about to strike out on her like he did with Madi on the ship- so this is going to take me a bit longer. He was the dark commander for a reason, and he's here to play. He's got a tight grip on her- Asher not Bellamy will be able to get through to her. There's only one person he sees as a threat and he legit snarls in my head anytime I mention her- so since he wants to play it this way- it's game on! Lol

So no I'm not taking a hiatus, it's just taking me longer to get the words to match up with what I'm seeing and feeling in my head.
This story isn't over, there's still ALOT that's going to happen that has to happen to get to the ending I foresee. I'm hoping to have another chapter possibly 2 published before the end of this month!

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