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                           Third Person POV

"So, you've returned." Queen Nia states sitting upon her throne, looking down to the young warrior kneeling. "The mission was successful then." She states with a cruel smile.

"No, my Queen." A young Echo replies from her knelt state, eyes fixed at Nia's feet, hands gripping the rope she held onto tightly ignoring the whimpers coming from the girl behind her.

"What do you mean?" She hisses. "You were told not to return unless you've brought me her head!"

"I wasn't able to get close enough to her- but I believe you'll be pleased by what I have brought you." Echo says, standing to her feet she jerks the rope hard, causing the girl behind her to fall hard to her knees.

"Trikru.. I'm to be pleased by this?" Nia sneers angrily, recognizing the clan by the clothes she'd worn.

She then quickly removes the hood- revealing waves of tousled red hair, as the girl looked up at the Queen with terrified blue eyes.

"She is Costia, sister to Asher kom trikru, and lover to-

"Lexa." Nia finishes for her as she stands from her throne, making her way to the petrified girl. "How-" she starts before shaking off the question. "You did well, Echo. Very well indeed." She says as she grabs ahold of Costias face in a tight grip, turning her head this way and that.

"She can be of use. The commander has feeling for her-more than just a bed warmer. With her you could demand anything you wish, and Lexa will give it to you."

"Such a beauty you are." Nia coos as Costia whimpers behind the gag stuffed in her mouth. "Such a pity."

                                  The present

Kayleigh watched in silence, her expression matching Echo's blank one, waiting for her to confirm what she already knew. The whispers of those before her were demanding she seek retribution from those who dared defy her, it was Lexa who urged differently. Understood the reason Bellamy had left Octavia behind though she agreed it shouldn't have been secret. And even with the burning in her heart that she felt in tune with Kayleigh through the flame- their was still too much to be done. Kayleigh tried to silence her- tried to lock her back behind the great wall she had built in her mind with the others, but it was for not. 
She was as relentless in death as she was in life, and through their connection, forced Kayleigh to watch through her memories.

Lexa had just walked through the threshold of her bedchamber- Asher and Titus behind her when she noticed a sack sitting in the center of the bed. Her eyes narrowed in thought briefly wondering who was able to get in here, but her thoughts fell short when she struck her hand inside the sack to what she pulled out. Locks of fire gripped tightly within her grasp, and time stood still. The sack fell unnoticed while she stared back at the permanently terrified blue eyes staring vacantly back at her.

"C-Costia.."she manages to choke just as she falls to her knees, openly weeping just as an animalistic roar thunders through the room followed by destruction.

"I knew it was Azgeda." Lexa says as the scene falls away. "It didn't take me long to figure out it was the spy."

"Why did you keep silent? Why show me this now!?"

"I had to think with my head and not my heart. It's what every commander has to do- what you must do."

"She was your soulmate. She was Ashers sister!"

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