Author's Note

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Hello my lovies!! Thank you all for riding out this story with me!!

Now I'm not keen on doing these A/N's they give me hella anxiety. Especially when I read other stories and they come out with an A/N that they're not going to continue a story readers are invested in. But FEAR not! I'm not going anywhere and this story will come to a fucking end! I'm ready for it and these characters are not only ready for it but they deserve it- so do all of you.

There's more to this story that needs to be written. Unfortunately the time line in the show is seriously fucking me up. In order for me to write this story, do it justice and get it right- my timeline has to go a bit slower. These things don't happen in a matter of days like in the show- this shit is stretched out over the course of weeks- as of right now they've been in sanctum for well over a month- possibly a little longer. With everything that's happen in this story in this season I couldn't spin this shit to happen in a matter of days, and it feel right. To me that would be rushing through this story and too much would be left out.

Kayleigh is different. The flame makes her even more different. I wanted to dive into certain commanders- their back story. Especially Malachi aka Sheidheda. I feel like the show didn't give us enough- there wasn't enough to make him the dark one- to be this awesomely feared commander. So I took some inspiration while binge watching Vikings, and incorporated it into his background. Giving a reason why he was feared. And why in my story his soul is so dark. I wanted to give y'all more about Calla aka Kikheda. To have pieces of what she went through in her mortal life, how she lost more human emotion, what she wanted the world to be like. She wanted to rid the world of monsters, to create something new where the strong didn't prey upon the weak. Kayleigh bonds with both of them. In a world of black and white- Kayleigh is the grey. Or she will become.

I also have been giving y'all more glimpses into Ashers past and I'm not sure if I've posted this yet or not in previous chapters or if it's in draft mode😅 (don't worry I'm not posting any potential spoilers), but more about his line in particular, why they aren't like ordinary people. Asher was never meant to have the role he's playing. Honestly he was just suppose to be an extra that was there for a few chapters then gone, but that didn't happen at all. But as the story grew so did the need to have an keep him and I'm glad I did.

Bellamy and Kayleigh are going to get THEIR happy ending. And I did that to the word their cuz I want to put out there that none of this is my doing. This is their story- this is Kayleigh's story, I'm just typing out the words. Their ending is theirs to decide and honestly I have the whole thing done in my head. I know how it ends. It's going to be beautiful as it is bittersweet. It's going to have you in your feels and bringing me your tears. Originally this story wasn't going to end on a very happy note. Kayleigh had two choices to make- two different paths to take. But I convinced her to take a different road- the one she deserves because she does deserve it- she's worthy of it.

Now it's just a matter of me writing everything that happens now to lead us to that ending. Unfortunately the transcripts and the show sucks to me where I'm at in writing cuz I have so much shit I'm going to have to not only get creative with my writing but twisting things to suit my needs. As you can see I'm not fully following the show.

And some of these characters.... I'm telling you I've done made an appointment to get my hair dyed cuz the grays they are giving me is more than my kids are!!!
Tavia is ready to come back into the spotlight- she's more than ready to- the issue I'm having is another possessive character is all but SNARLING in my head "Back off Blodreina!", and I'm like "My dude, sit down- you are NOT in control here!", and he's like "Bring her in- see what the fuck I'll do!" And I'm like okay I'll take my seat now.

What I had in my head as a BIG moment and changing point involving 1 character has totally shifted with dudes constant snarling and threats that I'm like ooohhh....
So this is this fixing to happen.. cuz you're getting awfully blood thirsty in my head anytime Tavia is mentioned or I even think about having her come into play.

How much further do we have in this book?

I honestly don't know. Scenes are playing in my head like a movie, but my writing isn't adding up to what I'm seeing/feeling in my head. I want/need y'all to more than just read the words, I want y'all to fucking feel it, I want y'all to feel like you're in this world with these characters, to feel what they're going through, to be able to visualize it without much effort. I want it to be as real to y'all as real as it is to me in my own head.

Are we getting close to the end?

If I was following the show to a T- we'd already be at the ending and this would be a closed book. More than what happened in the show is going to happen in this book.

The battle isn't over the war hasn't ended.

Kayleigh hasn't completed her goal- her mission still stands, and the final conclave hasn't finished yet.

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