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          Kayleigh POV

Voices were echoing in and out.

"I told you to stay the fuck away from us."


His voice.. the hard edge to it. The mounting anger and frustration.
I heard the metal click, felt the restraints falls from my wrists as my eyes open-only to quickly shut them again. My head pounded in tune with the beat of my heart, making it difficult to want to open them again but knowing I would need to all the same.

"We need to get her on her feet and out of here now." I hear another familiar voice.

Opening my eyes fully they latch onto hazel ones.


"We're not the only ones here, Bell."

I knew that, but hearing her say it ignited another fire from deep within me.


"Easy sweetheart."

"Need.. to get up." I pushed the words out through my dry throat ignoring the acids building underneath.

Get up, so no weakness.

"Kayleigh- wait slow down, you're still bleeding-

"Head wounds flow freely, you know that." I tell him getting myself into an unright position ignoring the pulsing behind my eyes. "How many?" I questions as Bellamy helps me to my feet, giving up on the notion of me doing as he asked.

"More than what we brought down with us." Tavia answers this time and when I look at her, really look, I noticed the fresh bruising and cuts on her face.

The fire I felt inside surged more, I  pulled myself out of Bells arms and took the few steps it would take to stand before her. Hand reaching out I gently griped under her chin turning her face this way and that. I wanted to demand to know who dared touched what was mine.

"We'll deal with this later..." Calla's voice drifted in once more.


"Remember, we're in their home." Bellamy reminds us as we meet up with the others enriching around John. "Everyone keep calm." He says giving my hand as squeeze as i let go

"Weapons down." Clarke calls out watching these strangers come closer as we watch them

"Abby, stay with Murphy."

I looked down at him then, saw the blood stains his wet clothing, his skin noticeably paler then normal.

"Hey, It's okay. We're from Earth." I hear Clarke say, "We come in peace."

I wanted to snort at that. She didn't know what peace was no more than I did.

"Sarah, where have you been?" Once of the strange men questions coming closer. "Where's your family?"

"They killed them." The girl seethes and I raise a brow at her statement

"That's not good." Jordan whispers coming closer to me. "You're hurt."

Beautiful DemonOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara