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                Third Person POV
                    *** Sanctum ***

"I've done bad things." John murmured staring into his cup of ale.

He'd sat in the same spot for so long he wasn't sure how much time had passed.

30 minutes?
7 hours?

It had all felt the same to him. The only thing that changed was Cammie had given up her seat beside him in favor of sitting at a table, Jordan had joined her not long after Delilah had gone off somewhere with her parents.

"There is no hell, John." Abby says softly, her worried gaze traveling over his profile.

"You say that enough times maybe you'll start to believe it." He replies with a snort. John didn't believe the words coming from her mouth anymore than she did.

"Hey, listen to me. At the end of our lives, we're not gonna be judged for the things we did to survive. We'll be judged for the reasons that we did them." It was what she wanted to believe- no needed to believe.

"What if the reason was to save my own ass?" He questions just as the doors to the tavern burst open.

John turns to see Kayleigh walking through, eyes scanning each face before stopping on one in particular.

"What have you told them?" Kayleigh snarls slamming the door behind her.

"Oh shit.." John thinks to himself as he moves quickly to get out of the chair. "Kayleigh, what's-

"What did you tell her about me? About the rest of us?" She demands coming to a stop in front of Jordan roughly pulling him from his seat.

"I-I don't understand-

"The girl you've been speaking to." She snarls in his face. "What have you told her?"

"S-she wanted to know why it was like living in space." Jordan sputters at first, his heart pounding relentlessly in his chest. "I told her what it was like and then moved onto the stories my parents had told me.." he says confused not understanding why she was so furious.

"You little fool." She growls, the knuckles of her hands turning stark white from gripping his collar to tightly. It took every bit of restraint she had not to shake him. In the end she roughly shoved him back down into the chair.

"Kayleigh what happened?" Abby questions her eyes bouncing between the duo. From the Kayleigh was reacting it wasn't good, but still they needed to know what was going on.

"They know about Mt Weather." She says gravely while staring hard at Jordan. "They know what was done to save you... What I did before leaving the Earth to burn in fire once again."

"I don't understand why that's so bad." Jordan says once again genuinely confused. "Clarke saved all of you from the mountain, you saved everyone more times than I can count, you're both hero's." He continues while Abby softly curses under her breath.

"Not all those people there were guilty."Abby says gently.

"It was a mistake bringing him here." Kayleigh says turning away from Jordan still angry. "We know nothing about these people and right now they know about us than they should."

"Did he say we could stay?" Cammie speaks out for the first time just as Octavia hurriedly, but silently closes the door behind her.


"There has to be something we can do to change his mind."

"He believes we're a disease that can't be cured." Octavia replies with a snort, walking over to the bar making herself a drink. "He doesn't want us here."

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