Twenty -eight

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                       Third Person POV

"Jackpot." Josie says as she claps her hands together seeing Abby was alone. "Follow me."


Letting out a sigh she looks behind Jade to see Bellamy approaching.

"Everything okay?" She questions masking her annoyance.

"Get rid of her." He says jerking his chin towards the other woman. "I need to talk to you alone. Now." He presses sternly.

"Give us a minute." She says looking to Jade, but Jade just stands there rooted. "Fine." Josie says rolling her eyes at the woman. "We'll go in here." She says walking away from her original destination to another dwelling.

"Where were you going?" He questions her once the door was closed behind him.

"To see my mother." She explains away while meandering about. "What's wrong?"

"How are we on different sides of this?"

"I know how they survive seems harsh. But from what I've seen, these people are happy." She explains with a shrug. "Their world works. We destroyed ours."

"This isn't about us." Bellamy replies defensively

"So we can judge them but not ourselves?"

Bellamy shakes his head at this. "You know I judge myself every day. You want to know the difference between us and them." He questions before switching to trig. "I've seen the faces of the people I've killed when I dream not in the mirror."

"I'm sorry. Can you repeat that last phrase?" She asks, her fingers unconsciously twirling the ends of her short hair. "It sounds like Flashpa means flashback. So was it a dream?"

Fuck me.

"Who are you?"

A smile curves on Clarke's lips, her eyes brighten with glee. "Josephine Lightbourne." She says proudly. "Nice to meet you."

                              Kayleigh POV

"You.. you sent him away." I say while she sits there unmoving at the head of the table. "Why don't you want me speaking to him?"

Her face was frozen and expressionless, eyes flat with no life sparking in them.

"Why?" I repeat once more. "Why do you shun your own son?" I question her needing to understand, only to have her glare at me in return.

This didn't make sense. None of it did. I understood why people feared him, understood what he did terrified others.

But she was his mother. She carried him inside of her- he was her heart- and when the time came she gave her life for his. And then there was the memory. I saw that fleeting moment of emotion- hell I felt it.  She may not have been capable of feeling love, but I felt the swell of pride from her when she touched his face. Her acknowledgment of him being not only her son, but the rightful commander after his ascension.

"Why didn't you reach out to gain control?" I asked just as the thought suddenly occurred to me.

In those moments when too many were fighting for control, I felt it- them. I fought against them, but she wasn't one of them- neither was Malachi. It made sense, them loosing to Lexa. She and I had a connection that far surpassed the flame.

But Calla?

Had she chosen to, she would've defeated us all, it would be her in control of my body. Our connection was stronger than what I shared with Lexa or Bellamy for that matter. We were bond by blood, and something more. But I never once in that moment felt her.

Beautiful DemonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora