Ep 6: Horrifying Discovery

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The next morning, I was getting myself ready to work at Breach City Pharmacy. I put on my dress and my doctor's coat while Jin made my lunch, which are my pregnancy cravings.

"Kamsamida Jagiya," I said.

"No problem. Stay safe in the carriage on your way to your work," Jin said.

"I will, Jagiya," I said.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and started making my way to the carriage.


Mangle woke up from a good dream and felt something wet in her pajamas.

"Aw man," She said as she changed her clothes in the bathroom.

She looked at the mirror and felt confused about why she wet her pajamas.

"Probably because I forgot to use the bathroom last night," She said.

She made her way to the kitchen to make herself some coffee until Foxy came in to make his breakfast toast.

"What was that smell," Foxy asked.

"Uh... what smell," Mangle asked.

"The strong sweet smell," Foxy replied as the scent hit his nostrils.

Mangle started blushing as her body started heating up and also knowing that the scent was coming from her.

"Mangle, are you okay, love," Foxy asked.

"Uhh... ummm... I'll be back, Foxy," Mangle said.

Mangle ran to the bedroom and locked the door as she started calling my number on the telephone.


"Okay mam. Be careful with this type of tylenol pills. Make sure you take it once a week with one pill," I said.

"Thank you so much, dear," Customer said.

"You're welcome, have a good day," I said.

Suddenly I started getting a phone call from my cell and I told another pharmacist to take care of another customer.

"Hello," I said as I picked up the call.

"Y/n, I need help," Mangle said through the phone.

"Mangle, what's wrong," I asked.

"I feel weird," Mangle replied, heavily breathing as her hand started roaming around her body.

"Define weird. What are your symptoms," I asked.

"My body feels hot, heavy breathing, my heart is beating. I started passing a sweet scent from me which I don't know about," Mangle replied.

"I see what's going on with you," I said.

"What is it," Mangle asked, breathing heavily.

"You're in heat," I replied.

"What?!" Mangle exclaimed.

"Yeah, you need to ask Foxy to help you with your heat. Otherwise, you'll end up like this for I don't know when. Trust me," I said.

"Okay, thank you," Mangle said as she hung up the call.

As she was about to open the door, Foxy was in front of the door, feeling concern.

"Mangle, are you okay," Foxy asked.

"It's pretty weird to tell you," Mangle replied.

"Don't worry, you can tell me. Nothing can make me feel any different about you," Foxy said.

Mangle told him everything that was going on with her and Foxy fully understood her situation.

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