Ep 12: Healing of the Heart and Soul

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After searching and walking for 3 hours, Chica stops Bonnie for a while to talk.

"Bonnie, are you okay?" Chica asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired and stressed out," Bonnie replied.

"I can tell. Maybe we should rest for a while. Okay," Chica asked.

"Okay, sure," Bonnie replied.

Bonnie and Chica find a big flat rock and sit on it for a while in silence.

"Hey Bonnie? Was your sister always like that? Sad, scared and always fighting? Was that really her," Chica asked.

"No, she was never like that. Never was before our mother died," Bonnie replied.

"What was she like then? If you don't mind me asking," Chica asked.

"Well, she was always happy. Always smiling and laughing. And most of all, she always took care of me. She acted as if I was her child. She never kept her mind and eyes off me, not since I was a baby. She always tried to find ways to keep all of us happy. Even our mother tried, despite the fact that she was a single mother," Bonnie replied.

Soon overcome with emotions, tears begin to stream down Bonnie's and Chica's faces.

"Now look at her. She's been in so much pain and I did nothing to stop it because she didn't want me to be part of it," Bonnie said, voice-breaking.

Chica begins to feel bad for Bonnie and hugs him, crying on his shoulder for the long lost good memories.

"I'm s-so sorry Bonnie. That is just so terrible," Chica cried in sorrow.

"Thank-you Chica... for understanding," Bonnie cried.

Bonnie and Chica stayed on the rock and kept crying together at those sad memories. 

 Meanwhile, Freddy is standing out in the open, sad, and lost for not finding Violet yet. 

 It was chilly during the night and only part of a full moon shone through the thick rain clouds overhead.

"Where could she be? Why did Bonnie have to make me search for her by myself," Freddy asked himself.

Suddenly, there was the sound of someone crying. 

 Freddy takes a peek from behind a tree he is hiding and sees Violet crying near a cross and assumes that is her mother's grave.

"W-why? Why couldn't I save you? This is all m-my fault. I'm s-so, so sorry. M-maybe I don't even deserve to live at all. Why?" Violet said in sorrow.

"Oh My God. This is worse than I expected it to be. She hides her feelings very well. But Bonnie told me I'm not allowed to talk to her. You know what? I don't care anymore. I hate seeing her suffer like this and I have to do something besides standing around doing nothing," Freddy said to himself.

Beginning to feel nervous, Freddy walks out of his hiding place and takes out a blanket that belongs to his little sister, then walks towards Violet.

"Freddy? W-what are you doing here? H-how did you find m-me?" Violet asked, voice-breaking.

"I heard you crying. Listen, I'm sorry for what I did to you. I didn't mean it," Freddy said in sadness.

"Freddy, I don't care what you did to me! I deserved it for almost killing Foxy and Goldie! Stay away from me! I'm a monster! Please... I don't deserve this..." Violet cried in sorrow.

Hearing Violet say those words made Freddy's heartache and was beginning to cry for to stop saying such words to herself. 

 Without realizing what he was doing, Freddy gets down on his knees, wraps the blanket around Violet, and brings her cold face into his hands close to his face.

"Violet, look at me and listen to me. Please. Don't you dare say those things about yourself. I know you wanted to make your brother happy, but putting yourself into his place where he can't get hurt doesn't solve anything. And stop blaming yourself for something you didn't do and know what was coming," Freddy stated.

"B-but... it was all my fault... Many people got hurt because of m-me... I'm dangerous, Freddy. Don't you see? I'm a m-monster," Violet stuttered.

"Violet, you are not a monster. Even though this sounds weird for me to say this, you are the most beautiful and sweetest girl I've ever met. You're helpful to us sometimes. You always make our day great just by seeing you smile and laugh. Who you really are. All those qualities in a girl don't make you a monster. It makes you who you really are and meant to be. Don't even think about trying to leave because we need you... I need you," Freddy said in a comforting voice.

"B-but... Freddy..." Violet stuttered.

"I'll help you get yourself back together, Violet. I will. I promise," Freddy stated.

Feeling ready to cry again, Violet throws herself at Freddy and buries her face onto his shoulder, crying and sobbing. 

 Freddy wraps his arms around her covered body and hugs her, letting her keep crying till she was done.

"I'm sorry... please... please forgive me," Violet sobbed.

"It's okay, Violet. I'm here. You don't have to say sorry. Everything is going to be okay. I promise. (because I love you)," Freddy comforted.

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