Ep 45: Tell Someone

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"Have any of you noticed anything different about Violet," Freddy asked.

"What do you mean by 'different' Freddy," Chica questioned.

"I mean like her behavior or anything you all may have noticed because something just doesn't feel right," Freddy replied.

"Well she's eating food everyday now. Which is a good thing for her," Foxy said.

"But everyday I see her run to the bathroom and stay there for hours. She can't be eating that much everyday to the point where she needs to go so badly," Chica said.

"Chica's right. She hasn't been eating too much, but has been gaining a lot of weight lately and can't understand why," Goldie said.

"That's it. This is all annoying me right now. I'll just go talk to her and see what's going on," Freddy stated.

Freddy leaves the living room upstairs.

"Violet? Where are you? That's weird. Usually she is sleeping at this time... What was that? Violet?! Violet, you're not fine. Something is wrong," Freddy exclaimed as he ran to the bathroom.

"Freddy please... I am. Oh god no," Violet said, weakly.

"Violet! You are passing out! Oh no... what is wrong with her? Why is she so sick? I have to take care of her. Violet honey? Are you okay," Freddy asked.

"Freddy? What happened," Violet replied.

"I don't know Violet. I just saw you puking in the bathroom and passing out. So I carried you here to your room and waited until you woke up," Freddy said.

"Thank you Freddy for being there for me," Violet said.

"Why wouldn't I? You're my girlfriend. I just hate seeing you-," Freddy cuts off as he felt something on Violet's stomach.

"Freddy? What is it," Violet asked.

"Hang on Violet. Just don't move for a minute. I thought I felt something... Like that! What was that?" Freddy asked as he felt a kick in Violet's stomach.

"Freddy, you have to go now. Please. Uh god no... not again" Violet pleaded as she clenched her stomach.

"Violet, please let me help you. What is." Freddy pleaded.

"Freddy, just go please! I can't tell you... I'm sorry... Now go. Please," Violet cried.

"Okay Violet. I will go then," Freddy said.

Freddy leaves Violet's room to the living room.

"Hey Freddy, are you okay," Chica asked.

"There is something wrong with Violet. I just know there is," Freddy replied.

"Why? What happened," Foxy asked.

"I pressed my hand on Violet's stomach and felt something move. Like a kick," Freddy replied.

"Wait a minute Freddy! Are you saying you and Violet had s-," Foxy cuts off.

"Shut up Foxy! We did not do that! If we did I would know," Freddy exclaimed.

"Freddy, just calm down for a minute. Let me go talk to her for you. Okay," Goldie suggested.

"Okay then. Thanks," Freddy said.

A few minutes later...

"How am I ever going to tell him? What if he gets upset with me," Violet cried as she was in the middle of the call with me.

"Violet, calm down. Take deep breaths and tell Freddy about what happened. It's going to make you feel better," I suggested through the phone.

"Violet! What the hell is going on with you," Goldie yelled as he barged in.

"Goldie, hold it there tiger! I talked through it with Violet and she said that she's 3 months pregnant," I said.

Goldie was shocked when I told him that.

"Y/n, sis. Can you deliver the stuff that Violet needs to our location?" Goldie asked.

"I'll see what I can do. Violet's not only my future sister in law, she's also my patient," I replied.

"Okay thanks, sis. Call you later," Goldie said as he hung up the call.

"I will help you Violet. Right now I need you to tell me, how did this happen and when," Goldie asked as he turned to Violet.

"It was a drunk party. Mangle gave me the drink that was from Freddy and drank it. I realized it was drugged somehow and started to feel sick. I tried walking to my room, but when I reached the steps, someone hit me in the head with a glass bottle of liquor. Then... I woke up tied up... someone was yelling at me and it was Freddy who hit me. He was so drunk, I was tied up and there was nothing I could do! After taking the test this morning, I realized he... he," Violet teared up.

"Violet, calm down, it's okay. It's my fault for making Freddy drunk and letting this happen. I'm sorry. I truly am," Goldie said as he hugged her.

"I forgive you, Goldie," Violet said.

"Freddy told us that he felt something, but doesn't know that you're pregnant," Goldie stated.

"We can't tell the others or else they will freak out and hate Freddy for this. Please Goldie," Violet pleaded.

"Okay Violet, we'll keep this secret between us then. For now I want you to take good care of yourself and your child. We'll find some way to tell the others later. Okay," Goldie suggested.

"Okay Goldie," Violet said.

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