Ep 10: Violet's secret

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Ever since the day of the fight, nothing was the same for the animatronics.

Violet becomes depressed and regretful for what she did to her friends. Each day she would hide in either the office or in the basement to avoid Freddy and the others because she fears for the great pain she can bring to them. She told Bonnie everything that happened, but doesn't mention what Freddy did to her. As each day passed, it only made the pain in her heart worse.

Freddy tried to apologize to Violet, but only succeeded in not finding her anywhere in the Pizzeria. He too felt regretful for what he did and only spends his time either helping Chica with the food or sitting on the stage thinking.

Bonnie begins avoiding Chica ever since he did the dare by staying with Violet and trying to cheer her up without success. He felt lost and isolated without Chica's company and Violet's smile. In other times, he would sit on the stage, thinking about the life he and his sister could've had. Each day, the ache in his heart too only grew worse.

Chica, who soon becomes aware of Bonnie's absence and Freddy's behavior tries to see what was wrong with them, but only succeeds at finding nothing. She too felt isolated and lost without Bonnie's and Violet's company and had to work in the kitchen alone without Violet's help.

Foxy and Golden Freddy soon realize what they did was reckless and stupid. They fear Violet for what she did and try to avoid Freddy and Bonnie, after concluding that they just broke their hearts for their loved ones. Each day they would sit in the Parts and Service room, thinking about how they can resolve their problems.

2 weeks later... Bonnie is sitting on the stage, thinking about how he can help his sister from her depression.

"Poor Violet, why can't she move on? It was only a simple mistake," Bonnie said in sorrow.

"Hey Bonnie," Foxy said.

"Hey Foxy and Goldie, what is it?" Bonnie asked.

"Well, we just want to say sorry for what we did to you. That was very stupid of us," Goldie replied.

"It's okay guys. I forgive you," Bonnie said.

"Hey Bonnie," Foxy asked.

"Yes, Foxy," Bonnie replied.

"What happened to your sister," Foxy asked.

"Yeah, her eyes were glowing dark blue," Goldie added.

"Well, if you really want to know, gather everyone here on the stage please," Bonnie replied.

With what he said, Foxy called everyone to the stage except Violet for Bonnie's big announcement.

"Why did you call us?" Freddy asked.

"Well, there's something I need to tell you guys that I should've told you a long time ago. So please listen and try to understand," Bonnie replied.

"Sure, Bonnie. You can tell us," Chica said.

"Well, it's about Violet. She is not what you see or think she is. She is not a normal human girl. She has powers," Bonnie said.

"WHAT!?!?" Everyone exclaimed.

"I know, I know, but please listen. I don't know where she got them, but I do know how she got them," Bonnie said.

"After discovering our mother's death, something changed in Violet. First, her eyes begin to give off a dark blue glow. Then all of the sudden, there was a bright blue flash of light surrounding her. After discovering her powers now, she made a vow to herself no matter what, she would use her powers for important use such as protecting me. So whenever I'm in danger or hurt, she makes sure those who hurt me get paid with great suffering. But much more happened besides her use of power. Each day, she blamed herself for our mother's death and soon drifted into depression. Many people got hurt, making her pain more unbearable for her heart to take. Also the fights she got into, got her hurt too. I always see her bruised and bloodied just from protecting me and it hurts me to see her like that. Life hiding and living in the open was unsafe for all of us. But it was only her that got to face much greater pain, not me and she made sure of that. She also believed she deserved the pain for not saving our mother and for hurting those who tried to hurt me. All of this just drove her into insanity and I couldn't stand seeing her living life like hell. It wasn't fair. But then came the day she tried to commit suicide by jumping off a building. Luckily I was able to save her, but soon we got into another fight with a gang. They shot multiple shots on her and were bleeding to death. I had to carry her until we had found help from you guys and helped bring her back to health. Thanks to you guys for offering us to stay, we agreed since Violet believed it would keep both of us safe," Bonnie said.

After telling the whole story, Freddy begins to feel a stab in his heart for learning what Violet had to go through. 

 Chica stares at Bonnie in shock and looks down at the floor sad after learning what kind of life they both had to accept. 

 Foxy and Golden Freddy soon learn why Violet attacked them and decide to apologize to her for her loss and messing with her brother.

"I'm so sorry Bonnie. I didn't know that your sister had to go through that much pain to protect you," Chica said.

"Where is Violet right now," Freddy asked,

"She's in the basement, crying. Can you go and get her up here, Chica?" Bonnie asked.

"Sure, Bonnie. I'll be right back," Chica replied.

Chica leaves the dining room to the Parts and Service room and comes back in panic.

"Bonnie!" Chica panicked.

"What is it, Chica," Bonnie asked in concern.

"She's not there. Violet's missing," Chica replied.

"What?! Violet is missing? Where could she be?" Bonnie worried.

In panic and desperation, Freddy runs out of the dining room to the pizzeria's entrance.

"Freddy? Where are you going? Come back!" Bonnie yelled.

Before he could open the door, Freddy looks down and finds a rose lying on the floor by itself. Freddy picks up the rose and examines it.

"Did this belong to Violet? What if she ran away?" Freddy asked as he held the rose in his hand.

"Freddy, what is that? Let me see," Bonnie commanded.

Freddy gives the rose to Bonnie and begins to examine it when he suddenly realizes something.

"Wait a minute. If today is the 11th of November... I know where she is," Bonnie exclaimed.

"Where is she, Bonnie?" Chica asked.

"She's at the cemetery," Bonnie replied.

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