Ep 13: Forgiveness

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Everyone gathered together in the forest, except for Freddy and Violet.

"Did anyone find Violet yet," Bonnie asked.

"No, Bonnie. We didn't find her," Goldie replied, sadly.

"Where could she be? I am so worried about her," Bonnie said, worryingly.

Violet yelled out his name and ran into Bonnie's arms as Bonnie hugged her back.

"I'm so glad you're okay. Don't ever run away like that again please. Okay," Bonnie said in relief.

"Okay, I'm sorry, brother," Violet said.

"It's okay, sis," Bonnie said.

Bonnie kissed his sister on the forehead.

"Brother, can I ask you something," Violet asked.

"Sure, sis. Anything," Bonnie replied.

"Can you... please forgive Freddy for what he did to me?" Violet asked.

"What?! Why should I, sis? He hurt you and I don't want to see you get hurt ever again," Bonnie exclaimed.

"Wait, Bonnie. Just hear her out for a minute," Chica pleaded.

"You see, Brother. Freddy apologized to me already and he said he is going to help me put myself back together again," Violet said.

"Are you sure about that?" Bonnie asked in concern.

"Bonnie, please try to understand. I feel terrible for what I've done and I want to fix that," Freddy pleaded.

"You know what? We'll talk about this later, Freddy. The least I can do is thank you for finding Violet. And as for you missy, just because you're the oldest, doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. I'm your brother and it is our job to look out for each other. Okay, sis," Bonnie said.

"Okay, you're right. I'm sorry, brother," Violet said.

Bonnie kissed Violet on the forehead.

"It's okay, now let's go back," Bonnie said.

The group began walking back to the Pizzeria together. 

 After walking for awhile, Goldie stops Violet.

"Hey Violet, can me and Foxy talk to you for a minute," Goldie asked.

"Okay, sure," Violet replied, unsure.

"Well, we just want to say sorry for your loss... of your mother," Goldie said.

"And we're also sorry for what you had to go through and for messing with your brother," Foxy added.

"It's okay, guys. I'm sorry too for almost killing you both... especially you, Goldie," Violet said.

"It's alright. I'll be fine. Thank you Violet for understanding," Goldie said.

Meanwhile as they made their way back to the Pizzeria, Violet gave the blanket back to Freddy.

"Thank you for the blanket, Freddy," Violet said.

"No problem, Violet," Freddy said.

Violet notices the words on the blanket that says Younger And Cuter.

"Freddy, what's with the words on the blanket?" Violet asked.

"That blanket belonged to my sister," Freddy replied.

Everyone went silent when Freddy said sister and both Bonnie and Violet didn't know that Freddy had a sibling.

"I didn't know you had a sister. Is she older or younger," Bonnie asked.

Bonnie x Chica (Alternative ending)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ