Ep 46: Mental Illness

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"I don't know what to do. She seems so sick and I can't understand why. She and Goldie have been talking in private a lot," Freddy said.

"Do you think she and him..." Chica cuts off.

"I don't know Chica! All I want to know is what I should do to help her!" Freddy replied.

"Freddy, I think I know what we should do. But you have to trust me on this," Chica said.

"Alright Chica, I'm listening," Freddy said.

The next day...

"Violet, are you alright in there? You've been in the bathroom for 30 minutes now," Goldie asked.

"Yeah I am fine, Goldie! Just... sick. Yeah sick," Violet replied.

"You should be careful with the pickles next time then," Goldie said.

"Whatever Goldie. Now go get me something to eat," Violet commanded.

"But you just had 5 slices of pizza, cereal and pickles with ice cream and peanut butter," Goldie protested.

"Goldie, just go and get me food now! You want my child to starve to death," Violet questioned.

"Alright, fine. I will meet you in your room," Goldie replied.

Golden Freddy leaves the hallways to the kitchen.

"Let's see. We have a sandwich, bread, watermelon... A chocolate bar! That will do," Goldie said with glee.

"Goldie," Mangle questioned.

"Nothing," Goldie blurted out.

"Well, alright then. But I thought you hated-," Mangle cuts off.

"Bye Mangle," Goldie blurted out.

A few minutes later...

"Hey Violet," Goldie asked.

"Yes, Goldie," Violet questioned.

"Will this help," Goldie asked as he showed her the chocolate bar.

"Yeah, that will, Goldie... Ugh my head," Violet said in pain.

"You alright," Goldie asked.

"I'm fine, Goldie," Violet replied.

"Here, try eating this," Goldie said as he gave her the chocolate bar.

"Thank you Goldie," Violet said.

"How are you feeling now," Goldie asked as Violet ate the chocolate bar.

"I feel worried, Goldie. I can't forget that night of what Freddy did to me. Now I'm scared of how the others will react once they find out about-," Violet cuts off.

"Violet, calm down. It'll be alright. I promise," Goldie said.

"Ummm Goldi, can you not press too hard," Violet cuts off.

"Oh shoot, sorry! I was hurting you. I didn't mean to do that. I," Goldie cuts off.

"No, it's alright. You're just worried. I understand," Violet said.

"Well, I just... if it's alright with you... If I could maybe," Goldie stuttered.

"Just don't press down too hard and try to listen or feel anything different," Violet said as she placed Goldie's hand on her stomach.

"Okay, I'll try. Was that... was that a heartbeat," Goldie asked as he hears the baby's heartbeat.

"Yes... it is... Every Time I feel those beats I cry. Scared and worried I will wake up one day and feel that beat stop. I don't know what I would do if I lost my child from a miscarriage or something worse. Do you know how that would feel? A parent losing their own child," Violet cried.

"Violet, listen to me. You will not lose your child. I will do everything I can to help protect you and your baby. I promise," Goldie said.

"Okay. I trust you Goldie," Violet said.

"You can always trust me," Goldie said.

"Salvanna," Violet said.

"Umm Salvanna? Who is that," Goldie asked.

"That is what I want to name her. Well, if my baby is a girl," Violet replied.

"Well, judging by its beats, movements and amounts of food you ate, she might be a girl," Goldie said.

"Thank you Goldie for helping me with all this," Violet said.

"Like you used to say to Bonnie, 'Family always comes first.' And your baby will soon be a part of this family too," Goldie said.

Night Fall

"Violet, what are you doing," Freddy asked.

"Nothing Freddy. Why are you up this late," Violet asked.

"I have noticed you and Goldie have been hanging out a lot lately. Is there something going on between you two," Freddy asked.

"Freddy, this is not what it looks like. I swear," Violet cuts off.

"Then tell me what is going on, Violet. Are you trying to hide something? Is there something I'm not supposed to know," Freddy asked.

"Freddy, I can't talk about this to you. I will," Violet cuts off.

"Now Freddy!" Chica alerted as she covered Violet's mouth.

Freddy immediately placed the injection on Violet's stomach.

A few minutes later, Violet woke up in an all white dress.

"Oh god no! Please tell me she's alright. Please... Oh thank goodness. She's still alive," Violet said in relief as she feels the baby's heartbeat in her stomach.

"Finally you're awake," Chica said.

"Freddy? Chica? Where am I? Why am I here?! Where's Goldie and the others," Violet asked in fear.

"You're in an asylum, Violet! Chica and I have decided you're mentally ill and need professional help to get over your brother's death. From now on, you'll be staying here for 10-20 years. The doctors know everything about you, especially your name. So if you ever try to escape, they'll stop you no matter what," Freddy replied.

"Freddy, I can't stay here. I can't! You have to get me out of here. I need-," Violet gets cutted off.

"SHUT UP! You're staying here and that's final! You are so screwed up these days now! All you are going to do is disappoint me more! I guess it should have been you that died in that fire except your brother because you're worthless as a girlfriend!" Freddy yelled.

"No Freddy Please! I have to tell you something! It's important," Violet pleaded.

"Shock her!" Doctor yelled.

Violet started screaming as the shock really got her.

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