Chapter 25

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"Why did you reject Kelly?" Cassius asked him, glaring at him.

"Who?" Finn frowned in bewilderment. He had no idea who Kelly even was.

"The blond she-wolf that came to your room last night. The one with the gorgeous curves and sweet mouth." Cassius lifted his coffee cup to his lips and took a sip. "She's an obedient little thing."

Finn stared at him for a moment, then looked at his mother. She looked down uncomfortably. Finn took a deep steadying breath. 'Is he cheating on her?'

'Yes. He always has,' Jett replied stoically.

'Why haven't I noticed?' Finn was disgusted.

'You were too busy following in his footsteps,' Jett replied, annoyed.

Finn didn't respond to that because he realized his wolf was right. He'd planned to do the same thing with Persephone. He didn't care about her, and had no intention of being faithful to her. He suddenly felt sick, wondering how many of the she-wolves he'd bedded had also slept with his father, and how much it had hurt his mother. And how much it would have hurt Persephone, driving a wedge between them and making everyone miserable, including his own brother. 'When did I become such a selfish prick?'

Jett didn't reply and Finn sighed internally. He always had been. He'd been on the road to repeating his father's mistakes, mistakes he himself despised. 'And you saw it all along.'

'Yes. But you don't listen,' Jett said quietly.

He wasn't wrong. 'Im sorry.'

'It's okay. You've seen your mistakes and you are fixing them, and that's what matters. Mate is so good for us,' Jett swished his large black tail back and forth.

Emily. He was falling hard for that woman. Jett was right. Emily was very good for them and she kept him on the straight and narrow.

"Well?" Cassius drummed his fingers on the table.

Finn glared at him. "I don't want your used goods."

His father smirked. "Not like you ever objected before. Do you know how many women you and I have shared?"

He didn't want to know. Finn looked back at his mother. "Must we discuss this in front of her?"

Diane looked up at him. "It's nothing new, Finn. He hasn't touched me since he impregnated me with you and Liam."

"And I won't either," Cassius snarled, looking at her in disgust.

That surprised him too. "I don't get you. Why would you want me to be as miserable as the two of you?" Finn looked back at his father.

Cassius growled at him. "You know the pack always comes first. Apparently I didn't pound that into your brother's head hard enough. But you, Finn, you're more like me. You will do your duty to the pack. You will mate who I tell you to mate. It's bad enough I have to contact Sierra Nevada and explain that they are only getting one Alpha for Persephone and not two. They may back out of this deal because of your brother's stupidity."

"You'd think you'd be pleased with Liam's mate. He couldn't have made much of a better match, unless it was to Noelle Remington herself. What are you going to say to Beta Ragnar the next time he visits?" Finn taunted his father. He'd never felt so much disgust in his life as he was feeling now towards the man that had sired him. He couldn't believe he'd almost become him.

Cassius suddenly lunged across the table and grabbed Finn by the throat. "Enough! I've had more than enough of your disrespect! Get your stuff and get back to school before I give you the beating you deserve."

Finn glared at his father in disgust when Cassius let go of him. He stood and nodded to Diane before looking at his father. "You don't deserve to be Alpha of this pack. And you definitely don't deserve to have her as your mate."

His father's wolf pushed forward. "Is that a challenge?"

"No sir." He bowed his head and left the dining room. He'd never been so furious with his father as what he was right then, but he also hadn't thought of challenging him either when he'd made the comment. He'd just been angry. Could he take his father? He wasn't sure, and until he was, he wouldn't consider it. He couldn't do that to Emily. His father would kill him without blinking an eye. He'd already threatened to kill Liam.

Finn headed back up to his room to grab his things, and glanced around his bedroom. He'd slipped into Liam's room last night after his run and grabbed a few things he'd thought his brother might like and some clothes for him, though now Liam wouldn't even be at school. He'd give them to Astrid. She'd make sure Liam got them. He didn't envy his brother being apart from his mate for weeks at a time, if he wasn't allowed back at school. Being separated from Emily for thirty-six hours had been miserable.


He turned to see Diane standing in the doorway of his bedroom, a frown on her pretty face. He hurt for his mother, knowing what he knew. The pack would know too considering how many of them had probably slept with his father. He rubbed at his face.

Who is Liam mated to? She linked him.

Beta Ragnar's daughter.

Diane's eyes widened in surprise and she laughed and shook her head. Are you going to follow your father's orders?

No. I've found my fated mate, and I will be with her.

Diane nodded. You're much wiser than your father. The only reason I don't regret mating your father is because he gave me you two. And now he's taken one of you away from me.

Finn looked at his mother sadly. He couldn't imagine how miserable her life had been for the last twenty-five years. He knew she'd never found her fated mate. I'm sorry, Mom. For all of this.

Diane walked across the room and placed a hand on his cheek. None of this is your fault. Do what you must to be happy. Your father will think twice about disowning you because he has no other heir. Your happiness makes me happy. I'd rather you be with someone you love than mated to that she-wolf. She grew quiet for a moment, her eyes glazing over, then looked back at him. The plane is ready.

Finn nodded. He gave her a long hug. Her name is Emily and she's human.

Diane pulled back and looked at him in surprise. She's settled you.

He nodded. I adore her.

And that's the way it should be. Go. Be happy. I love you. If you see Liam, or talk to him, tell him I love him dearly and am proud of him for following his heart.

Finn flashed her a smile. Love you too, Mom. He left the room and headed out of the pack house, glad he hadn't seen his father. Ryan was waiting for him in the SUV and Finn climbed in, glad to be leaving this place. He was coming to truly despise it.

The Alpha's Fated Mate (Book 4 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now