Chapter 16

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Finn was smitten with Emily.  She was absolute perfection in his eyes and he could barely keep them off of her. He spent every moment he could with her.

They'd gotten to know each other quite well over the last two weeks and it made him fall for her even more. He had never in his life been so devoted to one woman, but Emily was different and he could barely wait to see her every morning when he woke up. He had breakfast at the diner before class just so he could see her. Then he'd come back after class, and have lunch and wait for her shift to end.

He knew what she liked and disliked and her little quirks. He realized ruefully that Emily was his first girlfriend. He'd never bothered with dating before but he actually liked it. Maybe it was because he was so attracted to the woman who was meant to be his.

Not that they'd discussed that. Finn knew at some point he was going to have to tell her what he was. It was the only way he could truly be with her. As the days passed, he realized it was going to have to be sooner rather than later because he was falling head over heels for her.

They hadn't had sex yet. He wanted to every time he was around her but he held back, waiting for her. He'd found out that Emily was a virgin. She was nineteen and while she had dated some, she'd not really been in a serious relationship.

As much as he hated to, he had told her about his past, knowing that she would see him in a different light. It was also part of the reason he held back from trying to get her in his bed even though every part of him wanted to every time he was around her. He was far from immune to her, in fact, quite the opposite.

They'd made out plenty of times, pretty much every time he saw her but he held back from pushing it any further, which was not easy to do. He took great pleasure in their stolen moments together, enjoying whatever he got from her. It had to be enough for now.

He'd taken her out on dates, something he'd never done before. But for Emily, he put forth every effort to win her heart.

He'd also gotten to know Lucy, her grandmother, quite well. Lucy had adopted Emily when she was young. Her mother had given birth to her when she was fifteen and had no desire to be a mother. She left when she was eighteen and had never come back. Emily barely remembered her and she was content with Lucy and Lucy her.

Finn had taken them both out to dinner one day, which has surprised them both but he didn't care. He realized if he wanted to be with Emily, Lucy would always be a part of that. They were sort of a package deal and that was fine with him. But of course that meant that he had to tell Lucy what he was as well.

He still had to figure out the situation with his father. He knew his father would despise Emily, simply because she was human. He would hate to think that his bloodline would be continued by a weak human. It didn't matter if his and Emily's pups would still be werewolves. His father would view them as weak.

Finn had thought about stepping away from his position all together, and giving up being an alpha so that he could be with Emily. He had no desire to mate with Persephone. Ever since that first time he knew he would never touch her again. What he'd been thinking the first time, he wasn't sure. He'd been horny and looking for a lay and she'd been willing.

But never again. He knew he was supposed to mark her, and it was supposed to happen during sex. And while he might mark her, he would not have sex with her. But now things had changed and he would not go through with it. Liam could have her. He would do his duty to the pack. Finn would rebel.

Finn had come home late yesterday evening after taking Emily to a movie. Liam was already asleep and he picked up on a scent that he didn't recognize in their dorm. It smelled vaguely familiar but he couldn't place it. He guessed that somebody had come over to visit Liam the night before. Perhaps to check on him after Liam had gotten his ass beat.

Finn still couldn't believe that one. If it ever came down to the two of them in a fight, he knew he'd lose against his brother. Liam was one of the best. If they were ever to challenge their father, it would be Liam who would be most likely to win.

He'd gone to bed tired and eager to spend the following day with Emily. She worked in the morning but it was a short day and he planned to go have breakfast just so he could see her beautiful face.

He'd woken this morning planning to slip out of the apartment, but he noticed that the scent was still lingering. Did Liam actually have a woman in his bed? Maybe he had finally taken Finn's advice and slept with Caroline. He stood still, listening intently. He could hear Liam talking and a woman answering him.

There was no way. Had his brother finally had sex with a woman? He had to see for himself. He walked over and opened the door and was shocked by what he saw. Liam had quickly thrown a blanket over himself and the woman he was in bed with but not before Finn had gotten an eyeful.

His brother was stretched out on the bed with his arm around a woman who had her back to Finn, but he immediately knew who she was. Of all the people Finn would have picked for Liam to lose his virginity to, their history professor was NOT one of them.

But Liam had missed class yesterday, and Finn wondered if this was how he was making up for it. He couldn't even imagine THAT conversation.

Not that he blamed Liam. Astrid was a beautiful woman, and judging from the view this morning, she had a gorgeous body as well.

"Are you going for extra credit or something?" Finn stared at the two of them laying on Liam's bed, both bare above the covers and clothes thrown everywhere. This was so NOT normal for Liam.

Astrid giggled and Liam rolled his eyes. "Get out. What are you doing here anyway? I thought you'd moved out."

Finn scoffed. "No. Emily's at work. Speaking of which, do you two want to go out for breakfast?"

Liam looked at Astrid who smiled at him and nodded. "Yeah that's fine."

"I need to go home and shower though," Astrid said.

Liam motioned for his brother to leave and heard the door click shut. He flipped Astrid over and laid over her. "Astrid, are you absolutely sure about this?"

She nodded solemnly. "Are you?"

"Yes." Liam smiled. "I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me. Finn can be Alpha. The only thing I'm going to regret is not being able to see my mother."

"He'd keep you from her?"

"Yeah. He's going to be furious with me, if he's not already," Liam said quietly. "But he can't keep me away from her forever."

"I hate this for you." Astrid said, cupping his cheek.

"He gave up his own fated mate and mated my mother. He expects us to do the same.* He explained. And they were both miserable because of it. Liam knew taking a chosen mate would create a bond between the couple. Not the same as what would be between a fated couple, but there would be a bond. But with his parents? He didn't think there was any bond between them. They could hardly stand each other.

"Do they love each other?" Astrid asked him.

"No. They barely tolerate each other." He knew his father cheated on his mother. That was probably what had destroyed any sort of bond they might have had.

Given Finn's lack of interest in being faithful to Persephone, he could easily see the bond between them being destroyed too.

"Misery loves company," Astrid muttered.

"Yeah, well he's not getting mine. As much as I want you again, I wouldn't put it past Finn to walk in here and hurry us up." Liam didn't move though. He had no desire to get out of bed.

Astrid smiled. "Your brother has no shame."

"Nope." Liam kissed her again, causing her to sigh as he rubbed against her.

"Liam,"she whispered. "If you don't stop, we're never getting out of this bed."

He pulled away from her, and sat up, then pulled her into his lap, sliding into her. She moaned as he kissed her marking spot. "I want to mark you."

"Not yet, but soon." Her eyes glowed as she looked at him.

The Alpha's Fated Mate (Book 4 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora