Chapter 18

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You're both to report to the pack this weekend.

Liam sighed as he stared at the text message from his father. He wasn't waiting around, but at the same time, Liam wanted to get the confrontation over with. He grabbed his bookbag and walked out of his bedroom. "The Alpha has summoned us home for the weekend," he told Finn.

Finn frowned and cursed. "I had plans."

"You still have plans, just not the ones you wanted." Liam followed his brother out of the dorm. He was excited to get to class and see Astrid. She'd left his bed an hour ago. It amazed him how much he missed her when she wasn't around.

"Are you going to take Astrid with you?" Finn asked him.

"I don't know. I haven't talked to her," Liam said. Did he want to take her? Yes, because he didn't want to be apart from her, and there was a small part of him that was afraid his father wouldn't let him come back. He wouldn't put it past his father to try to imprison him. He was also concerned about what kind of confrontation he might be facing as well.

'We're coming back. Father is not keeping us there,' Kai said.

'Agreed,' Liam said.

Finn opened the door to the building, and Liam was immediately hit with Astrid's scent. He spotted her inside, talking to a man with dark hair. Her arms were crossed and she looked annoyed. She glanced over at him and smiled, before turning her attention back to the man.

A surge of jealousy ran through him as he saw the man look at him, and she placed her hand on his arm.

Liam walked into the classroom, feeling annoyed and sat down. "Morning Caroline."

She flashed a smile at him. "Good morning."

He wanted to ask Caroline who the man was but he had no idea if she would know, or if she was even aware that he and Astrid were mates. He knew he was being ridiculous. Astrid had spent every night since the library in his bed. She was his, as much as he was hers.

She walked into the classroom a few moments later and he could see that she was perfectly calm. She gave him a half smile, then began teaching.

Class passed quickly. Liam remained distracted as thoughts of the coming weekend kept invading his mind.

He let the class empty before he got up himself. He walked up the aisle slowly, his gaze on her. Today she had on a rose colored dress that ended just above her knees. He'd barely paid attention though.

She stood as he approached and walked into his arms. "Why are you so distracted today?"

"Well, you in that dress.."

She laughed, then grew serious again, looking at him. "You're tense Liam. Talk to me."

"My father has summoned us home for the weekend," he told her.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Astrid wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I don't know how it will be. I have no intention of doing what he wants, Astrid. I've fallen for you," He told her. This week had only solidified in his mind that he was making the correct decision. He was just happy that he hadn't seen Persephone again. Astrid was amazing, and he couldn't get enough of her.

"Im not worried about confrontation. I'm more concerned with keeping you calm and being your support system," She cupped his cheek.

"So you'll go?" He asked, feeling a bit of relief. He didn't want to be apart from her. Not when he hadn't marked her yet.

"Yes. Just let me know when we leave."

"My father may be nasty to you," he warned her. He hated to see her hurt. It would make him angry.

The Alpha's Fated Mate (Book 4 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now